Chapter Thirteen: Subconscious Prejudice

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"It's called As The Crow Flies." I frown, looking at the hardcover Patrik's large hand holds. 

"I've never heard of it." I remark, staring the the leather green cover. He walks over, handing the book to me. Our finger tips brush and I pull my hand back, ignoring the feeling. 

"Not surprised, it's a human book." 

I raise my eyebrows in suspicion. "Really?" 

"Yes," Patrik analyzes my face, watching me turn the book over in my hands. "Do you not want to read it?" He looks at me grimly. 

"I- god my father would kill me." 

"That will never happen." Patrik responds agitated, annoyed at my figure of speech. I continue to look at the book, feeling the rough paper and breathing the old book smell. "I know you're against humans, but you can change your mind." 

I sigh, "I did change my mind remember? Back at the Academy I decided my father was wrong because you changed my mind." 

"Yes I remember." Patrik nods, sitting down on the window ledge, facing me in my armchair. "Why did you change it again? Why did you join Imperius?" 

I clear my throat, nervous about this line of questioning. "After I left the Academy, I re-examined everything. Your love, my new set of values, and decided that I was led astray." Patrik frowns, then thinks for a moment. 

"I am sorry for what I did to you. I will beg for forgiveness till my last breath, but, please do not prejudice against a whole set of people due to my foolishness." 

I frown, mulling over his words. I look away to avoid the green eyes staring at me, but meet the same shade on the cover of the book. 

"Do you truly think humans are dirt. That they are useless?" He asks me, concern in his tone. 

"I- I don't know what to believe. There was a time when I thought that nutz- I mean humans were litter. That we reign superior. But, God Patrik, I don't know." I shake my head. Humans don't have any powers, which makes them at the bottom of the food chain. Royals are the top, with basic powers and their heredity powers. 

"Well, please, just keep your mind open. Try the book, it's a romance, you'll like it." 


"Oh Nilsia, you're in trouble" I fling my eyes open to an empty dark room. 

"Hello?" I call out, looking around in the dark, trying to find my way. 

From the rafters, I hear squawks and suddenly ravens descend upon me. I cry out as their beaks peck my face and their talons break my skin. 

My screaming continues as the ravens disappear and I'm tied down to the chain. Golden chains wrap around me, keeping me still. The room begins to glow the same deep blue as my ring and a door appears. 

The door opens and Henry appears, wearing his blue military uniform. His golden crown stands perfectly on his head. Blood drips down the gems in the piece and onto the floor. He steps towards me, malicious grin on his face. 

"I can't decide what's worse. Your betrayal or your foolishness." He stalks around me, circling like I'm his prey. "While Umbran soldiers are out there dying, furthering our great cause, you are playing catch up with the man who swears on my downfall." 

I let out a sob as he continues "I know your secret, too." He smirks at me. 

"NO PLEASE NO!" I scream, starting to thrash around, desperate to get the chains off me. Henry drags a long knife up stomach, not breaking the skin, but the threat is just as painful. 

"Yes, you're lucky that are still a few things you're still good for." My sobbing continues as he continues, "healing, fucking, and killing isn't that right? That's all my Little Red Witch of Agony is good for?" I cry out, screaming for my mother. 

"Let's test the theory, yes?" Henry snarls. Suddenly, a body appears on the ground beneath my feet. Long crimson locks spill around it like blood. Henry kicks it onto it's back, hair moving out of their face. Red eyes stare at me. 

It's me. 

I look to about ten years old, with my pale skin and red aura. 

"Kill it." Henry gives my the knife and removes the chains. My shaky hands hold onto the handle as I get out the chair and stand over me. 

I can't even speak, with uncontrollable sobs taking my breath. I stand over myself, seeing every freckle and laugh line. 

"Kill her! Prove your loyalty!" Henry barks at me. I scream and shake desperately. 

"I'm so sorry." I whisper as I plunge the knife into her heart. Blood pools around her and she looks at me with confused eyes. I scream again as I pull the knife out. 

"Good girl." 

My screams echo around my prison walls as I open my eyes. The bed around me is wet with tears and my throat is sore from my cries. 

I wrap my arms around me, trying to steady myself. I cry, thinking of all the atrocities I've taken, all the sins I must repent for. 

"It was only a nightmare. It was only a nightmare." I whisper to myself, my voice hoarse. "I'm safe. I'm safe." I cry. 

I don't deserve to be safe. 

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