Chapter Twelve: Caged In

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The candlelight illuminates the ballroom floor as my purple skirt swishes around my feet. A rare smile graces my face as I twirl around the opulent ballroom. The familiar portraits and paintings from the halls of the academy line the walls, looking down at me with smiles. I feel truly content. 

A large hand steadies the small of my back as the other grabs my hand. Sparks tingle my skin in contact with his. Those incanting green eyes capture mine as we glide across the room. Patrik has his hair brushed back, looking regal in his proud Scalaen colors. He's smiling too, a sight that would have even angel's breath taken away. 

"You look beautiful tonight, Nil." Patrik whispers to me. The empty ballroom provides refuge from the prying eyes and ears. "I thought I was going to die, seeing you look so breathtaking and not being able to dance." I blush and let out a small laugh. 

"Then you can imagine my torment when I had to see you dancing with Lady Arym" Patrik smiles at my jest, spinning me in the dance. 

"You have my captured my heart Nilsia, not even Aphrodite herself could take my eyes off you. Despite this charade and game we must play, you are still my queen." My heart flutters as he dips me, looking longing into my eyes.

"I never want this moment to end," I whisper as the song starts to drift away into the quiet room. 

"Well, you have to wake up." 

I sit up, eyes flinging opening to meet a pitch black room. An owl asks questions in the distance and the sheets brush against my skin. My shiver, the coldness sweeping through me as a wrap a fur blanket around me. "It was dream." 

Was it a dream? Or a mere memory? A perfect memory that I wish I could relive forever. 

Do I still love him? That's impossible, I can't! Henry is who I'm meant to be with. Henry is duty. Patrik is recklessness. I need to banish Patrik from my thoughts, banish him from the heart that he destroyed. 

Henry is the man I ought to be with. Henry understands the woman I've become, in fact, he formed me to be this. Henry does not grimace at my death toll, because he has a higher one. Henry does not view me as weak. 

Although, if he learns of my condition, that I can no longer produce children, he will change his tune. Henry learned of my sins when we became betrothed and my penance, but nobody knows the result of punishment. Henry said it most likely helped me, put me back on the correct path. 

But, maybe Henry loves me? Or am I just duty to him as he is to me? 


The crows squawk in the afternoon sun as I observe them form the window. Their shiny black feathers shine and reflect the light as they glide across the forest covers. It's a uniquely sunny day in Scalae, lifting the spirits those around them. 

Patrik enters the room, looking cheery from the sunlight. He wears light clothes and carries a tray with lunch. "It really is a nice day today." He smiles looking at me. 

"Yes it is" I agree. "The cloudy days do get to me. It's nice for a change." 

Patrik sets out lunch from the tray onto the table, setting our plates down. He looks gulity and his eyes fill with sorrow, but he doesn't say anything. He continues to fix lunch and then waves me over. 

I sit down at the table with him. It's odd eating meals with him, it feels intimate. Our knees occasionally bump into each other and we glance up at each other. Brings me back to our time in the academy, where we would eat across from each other in the dining hall, but steal glances when no one was looking. 

After eating my sandwich in silence, staring out at the light blue sky, I break the silence. "Patrik, I was wondering something." He looks at me, coking his head slightly to the right. 

"And what's that?" 

"I know I'm your political prisoner and all, but- never mind it's silly." I shake my head, he's never going to agree. 

"No no, ask away," Patrik encourages. 

"Are you sure?" Patrik nods, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Alright, I was wondering if I could possible go outside? Just for a moment? It's such a nice day." I cringe at my begging. Royals do not beg, Father's voice hisses in my ear. 

Patrik slowly chews his sandwich, brow scrunched together in thought. His forehead making the wrinkles I would warn him about. "I'm not sure. I'm under the orders to keep you here. You might escape or someone could attack you. It's not safe." 

"You could hypnotize me, make sure I don't run away" I shrug. Patrik's heredity power is the power of the serpent, meaning he can hypnotize and talk to snakes. 

Patrik shakes his head hard, "No absolutely not." 


"Don't you remember the promise I made you? All those years ago?" He looks at me, searching , my face. 

"You made a lot of promises." I concur. Patrik frowns, deepening the wrinkles. 

"Back in our last year, one of our idiot classmates made a joke in front of you. He told me that I must get laid easily because I can convince any girl to sleep with me. I yelled at him but the comment scared you." I start nodding my head, the memory coming to life. "I promised you that I would never ever in any circumstance put you under my influence. It's too much power over you." 

"Yes I remember." I nod, the promise made in the safety of the broom closet revisiting my mind. "But what if I promised to not run away?" 

Patrik frowns, "I do trust you, beside you don't have magic so you couldn't get very far." He chuckles at my frown. "But, you are a member of Imperius and I could not guarantee you safety. There are plenty of people here who have sympathies for humans and would see it as justice harming you. I'm sorry, I really wish I could. You deserve to have the sun on your face and fresh air in your lungs but I need you safe." 

"I suppose, it was stupid to ask." I shrug, showing my indifference. 

"No no, please Nil, ask me anything. I can't always promise it's something I can do or make possible but please ask." Patrik chimes. 

"Alright, I suppose." I nod. 

"Is there anything you need? I feel terrible not being able to take you outside." 

I let out a small smile, so small you can barely see it. "A new book?" 

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