Chapter Two: Trapped Memories

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The fishy taste from potion lingers on my tongue. That's all I can think of as my body regains consciousness. It can't be a dream. I open my eyes and see a dark wood ceiling. I lift my head and take in my surroundings. It's a small room, the rooms in Umbra are larger. It's about the size of my room I shared with one other girl at the Academy. I'm laying on a reasonably comfortable bed with dark green sheets. The walls match the sheets and then it has a black wood floor with a deep red rug. The bed in the middle of the room with the door in the corner facing opposite of it. There's a large window with dark curtains with a little window seat. A dark green armchair is tucked in the corner facing furthest away from the door. There's a small wooden table with two chairs in the middle. There's also a dresser and fireplace making the room warm. 

I get off the bed, still in my crumpled lilac ball gown from the ball. I rush over to the window to get an idea of where I  am. All I can see is a dark forest below me and large mountains off in the distance, still snowcapped. I must be in Scalae, I've never been here before, but I heard how ugly and dark it was. Disgusted, I walk towards the door, locked of course. When I try a simple charm, flicking my hand at the door handle, to open the door, it doesn't budge. I look at a large silver metal cuff that engulfs my wrist on my right hand. I've heard of them, they prevent a person from using their magic. 

I kick the door and start yelling, not totally sure if I want someone to be on the other side. "Hello? Let me out!" I continue to bang on the door and scream until my voice is getting horse. Finally, the door opens. 

Patrik walks in, looking irritated. I step back as he makes his way into the room. "Are you done with your royal temper tantrum or do I need to come back?" He asks me, dripping with sarcasm. 

"I'm the one trapped in a room without magic, I don't see why you're complaining." I snap back at him. "Besides, I'm assuming you're not going to let me go so I want someone else, not you." 

Patrik chuckles, "Too bad sweetheart, I pulled the short straw and now I'm in charge of babysitting you." I scoff. 

"Oh how wonderful." Our back and forth bring me back to our few interactions together when we were younger at the Academy. 

"I'm tutoring you?" I ask in pure disbelief. I can't believe the school administration would arrange for me to tutor like him. 

"Yes. Me." Patrik replies annoyed like I asked stupid question. 

"This can't happen, I'm going to talk to Professor Griffin." 

"Sorry, Princess, I already did. We're stuck with each other. But I need to pass economics if I'm going to become King some day soooo..." 

"Urgh, fine." I sigh, putting my bags down. "But to be clear, this does not put on friendly terms." 

"Agreed." Patrik replies harshly, opening up his textbook. 

Patrik's harsh voice snaps me out of thought. "It's ridiculous, I'm the Prince and stuck watching you." 

"Oh, that must be so difficult for you." I say, feigning sympathy. I decided to get straight to the point. "What do you want with me anyway?" 

"None of your business." Patrik replies smugly, enjoying the idea that he has information that I want. 

"Well then I guess I must make an educated guess. I'm assuming that this has something to do with my betrothal to Henry." I reply back, refusing to give him an inkling of power. I continue, "you don't want us to get married, so you decided to kidnap the bride." 

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