Chapter Nine: Sparks in Cupboards

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"What the fuck?" Hands around my waist drag me into a dark room. I turn around, the door closed, and angry green eyes looking at me. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" I shoot at him accusatory. 

"God! You are so infuriating!" I scoff, Patrik's overreacting, again. Somebody doesn't like being bested. 

"Oh I'M infuriating? You're the one pulling me into broom closets for no reason!" 

"Trust me" he states deadly calm while taking a step towards me, tightening the already restricted space. "There's a reason." 

"Oh and what's that?" I smirk, taking a step as well. "Trying to play some dirty snake trick are you?" I can feel his hot breath fanning my face and our chests are inches away from touching. My body feels like it's on fire under his intense gaze.

Patrik scoffs, "and what are you trying to do? Seduce me to discover Scalaen secrets?" My body shivers and my frown deepens. 

"Seduce you? How absurd, even my loyalty to Umbra has some limits." My eyes flicker around his face, desperately trying not to look at his lips for too long. 

"Oh come off it, I see the looks you give me, how you bite your lip in such a needy way," his hand reaches for my bottom lip that was pulled by my teeth. "The blush that covers your cheeks when I get close to you." He gently pulls my lip out from my teeth, our eyes locked in battle. 

The way my body is feeling right now is not normal. We can not be looking at each other like this. There's such a primal ned in his eyes, filled with lust and touch of wrath. I smirk, "you pay quite a lot of attention to me then." This is dangerous, I should not be taunting him in a broom closet for God's sake! 

"You are my enemy." His eyes blaze with lust, "Of course I watch you." 

I can't help myself, "do you keep all your enemies in broom closets?" He rolls his intoxicating green eyes at me

"God I loathe you." He heaves. "I loathe your eyes." His green eyes meet my red ones. "I loathe your hair." His fingers lightly touch the end of my long red locks, a shiver shooting through my spine. "Your smile and your laugh." He breaks eye contact to stare at my lips. Breathe escapes me. 

"I loathe your stupid smirk." I whisper out, craning my neck to look up at him. "I loathe your eyes that burn my soul." 

His face start to flicker with uncertainly. "We are enemies. We hate each other." 

He's right, which I disdain having to admit. You shouldn't feel this way about your nemesis. "We hate each other." I repeat, our eyes locked in pure lust. 

"So why in God's name do I want to ruin you? To have you desperate and begging for me? For me to have you feel things you will never feel again." 

All thought and logic flies out the window at those words. 

Our lips crash into each others, in harsh and desperate manner. Patrik's rough hands hold my neck while I grab onto his solid shoulders. His tongue invades my mouth and I welcome it. He tastes like mint. My mind fogs over and I'm sent into pure ecstasy. 

"Are you sick?" Patrik asks me while I draw the mountains from my window view.

"Am I what?" I ask, looking up at him. He's hair is messy and his clothes look unkempt. His eyes are bloodshot from last nights drinking. 

"Are you sick?" He repeats. 

"Why would I be sick?" I furrow my brow in confusion. He puts his pen down along his paperwork and stares at me, perched up on the window seat. 

"Well, last night, you said that you didn't get your period anymore." I stay silent, pulling my lips together as I cross my arms across my chest. I didn't expect him to remember that. "And that must not be healthy. Are you sick? Or maybe I'm not giving you enough food?" 

"I-" I'm at a loss for words. I can't even muster up the energy to yell at him. I shouldn't have told him that. I can't have people knowing that. 

If I don't menstruate, thenI can't bear children. If I can't bear children then I can't create anymore heirs for Umbra and Henry's kingdom, Sapphrius. That makes me useless. It also lets Scalae know our weaknesses. How can I further the Imperius cause if I'm barren.

"I never said that. You must have missed remembered" I come up with the lie quickly, trying to feign confusion then assurance. 

Patrik's face contorts in doubt, "Really? I mean maybe. But I remember most of the rest of the night." 

My face slightly blushes, thinking of the night. I felt cold all day now that I'm out of his arms. "I'm not sure. But I know I never said that." I hope he will buy my lie. 

"Alright then. Oh, look at the time. I got to go. I'll be back with dinner in an hour or so." 

Later that night after dinner, I could hear his drunk laughter echoing down the halls. His foot steps stopped at my door and I thought for a moment he was going to come in. Instead, I hear a sigh and a soft "I'm so sorry Nilsia." Then he walked away. 

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