Discovered Again

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Willow and Luz had been left alone, the girl with glasses had brought an elaborate lunch for both of them since the other time she hadn't been able to eat because they were distracted together. Everything looked delicious, maybe she was bad with desserts but the normal kitchen liked her. It seemed simpler, besides the fact that she used to cook lunches for school with her sisters. The bell rang, lunch was over and they had to split up. 

-Well, I have to go now or I'll get in trouble, it's a shame you can't go with me.-

-Maybe I could sneak in, I can be very discreet when I want.- 

The girl's face didn't give much confidence with discretion, but this was a witch surely she could fix anything if something happened. Out of nowhere in the forest a call begins to be heard 

-"Willow! Willow!"- 

It sounded like it was the boy, Gus, who she met earlier. 

-Willow! There you are! Oh, and you too, hello Luz!- 


She said smiling nervously the little witch adjusting her hood. 

-Gus, what are you doing here?- 

-Well, you didn't go to the cafeteria again, so I assumed you would be around here, I feel excluded since you do things without inviting me at least, let me be with you please.- 

The boy said dropping his bag on the floor making very adorable and dramatic pleading gestures, causing the girls to look at each other, without much need for thought they accepted. 

-Okay... I'd like to infiltrate the camp... More and get to know you, so do you want to help?- 

-Okay! Although for that you should get a uniform to go unnoticed that will leave us little time to wander, apart from the fact that it is time to start with the activities of the clubs.-

-Don't worry I already have one so to speak, just give me a minute and I'll be ready for the infiltration.- 

-Amity will be in my class, if she sees you she will realize that you are the one who helped me and she will be angry, you should go to Gus's class instead.- 

-Then I will wait at the entrance while you change your clothes.- 

The boy ran away but returned immediately for the bag he forgot on the floor, and saw something he shouldn't see, Luz had removed her hood exposing her ears. Gus had been perplexed because apart from her ears, with a simple movement of her hand she changed all of her clothing, causing the boy to fall to the floor in surprise. With that noise both girls turned and saw the surprised boy. 


-Gus can explain this!-

Willow kneeled down to his height while Luz turned around and put on her hood she tried to explain what he saw but was interrupted by the same boy. 

-How amazing! How did you do it!? Are you some kind of magical being? Are you a fairy? Oh oh you are an elf! Or a goblin? Although you're tall, at least taller than me, does that mean I'm smaller than an elf?-

Willow looked at Luz as if she wanted to apologize, although this wasn't her fault. Luz sighed, taking off her hood. 

-Actually... I'm a witch.- 

-IT CAN'T BE, a witch!? A REAL witch, Willow, she's a real witch! THE club will go crazy!-

The girl with glasses covered his mouth with her hand. 

-Gus, this is a secret, no one can know what she is.-

 -Oh, I'm not good at hiding...-

-They'll scold me at home, again.- 

Exclaimed the little witch getting discouraged, and sitting on the ground in front of Gus and Willow. 

-Could you... Not tell anyone? I would get into big trouble if many people discover what I am, it could be dangerous for me and my brothers... And I would still like to see your show, if possible...- 

In his thoughts there were doubts and he was like that for a while, he had in his presence basically what he wanted, something really cool to show off, but was it worth more than his friendship? Suddenly the silence was cut by himself. 

-I guess I can keep this to myself... A magician never reveals his secrets, and if you want to go to my class with me, we'd better go quickly or they'll punish me- .

Luz looked at Willow once more, to see what her opinion was. 

-You should go, the truth is that Gus is a great friend and you can trust him.- 

-Will you be okay there alone with Amity?- 

-I've been dealing with her for years, I don't think she can do something to me that I can't stand, and I won't say anything about you, I already promised, remember?- 

-Okay... But if she bothers you, tell me and I'll scare her with illusions.- 

-Haha, it's okay!- 

The three go their separate paths, Luz following Gus and Willow going to her class. The little witch enchanted her hood so that it couldn't fall off and there wouldn't be another inconvenience like a few minutes ago. Entering the small amphitheater they went behind the group of children huddled together so as not to attract attention, they arrived just in time. The Blight twins, in charge of this task, seemed excited about their work since they are now on the other side of the chain, they were the eldest and had to obey them, they felt satisfaction unlike the teacher in charge. Adrian Graye, who showed in his face that did not want to be there, was usually the year film teacher since he does not like children, but he was having negative comments from his students due to his attitude, the high command of the academy decided that advising the camp would teach him to be more patient and careful with his words. While they were taking the list, Luz felt how the teacher was looking at her, it could be because he had never seen her before, or just because of her distinguished hair. Not being named, Adrian approached her. 

-Tell me your name now, young lady.- 

-Luz!... I'm Luz... Noceda... Sir...?- 

-And do you have permission to be here? You weren't on the list and your name doesn't ring a bell.- 


-We were told that a girl named Luz Noceda was going to be watching today, she has permission from the camp administration, Mr. Graye.-

-As always doing things without warning first, that's fine, whatever.- 

The teacher turned around to return to his director's chair, while the witch saw the two who had saved her skin, the twins. They were watching her and they winked at her, this made the little witch blush and she didn't know what was happening. The class started and there was no time to talk, but during break she was going to ask why they helped her.

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