Shadows and Games

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Luis felt annoyed because his sister left him lying in the middle of the forest, it would be over quickly but even so, his sister is sensitive to words. 

-Your crushed face is funny-

A playful shadow that came out of the boy's necklace said. 

-Shut up.- 

-I'm so bored, since we came to this world you haven't allowed me to leave, not even when Luz became the lumpy Grom, let's play something, come on!-

-Puns again?- 

-Noo you're very bad at that, I want to play something else... Interactive!- 

-So you want to possess my body again... I don't know, every time you do it I feel like you overdo it, if you use 5% of the amount of power you possess would make my body explode.- 

-You know I would never hurt you, we are friends, besides if you die while I'm in your body I die too, it's a lose-lose, and I like winning more haha!- 

The laugh of this entity made the young with sigh. Giving him the power to walk free never seemed like a good idea, but when he did, he didn't leave his body, even though he had some control over it, so over time they learned to live with it, always respecting Luis's decision. 

-Okay, but don't bring attention to yourself or you'll endanger me and my sisters, okay Collector?-

 -Oki doki!- 

The shadow landed on Luis's body, overlapping him and taking over some mobility. The Collector was only allowed to use 2% of his power, so the mortal danger was only physical exhaustion. With his awakened ability he wanted to play with blocks, so he destroyed several trees in the area to mold them into very large blocks, in a short time he got bored of this, but there was a huge pile of giant wooden figures with various shapes in the middle forest. 

-I thought it would be more fun hmm. Whoa- - 

Possession suddenly destabilized and Luis took control again. 

-You overdid it again...- 

The boy said panting, throwing himself on his back to the ground due to exhaustion. 

-What!? But I hardly did anything!- 

-You drained all the magic from my body very quickly! You must think about that!- 

-It's not my fault that you're so weak! Fool, fool, weak!- 

After those words the collector went back to the necklace very offended while he stuck out his tongue in mockery. 

-Ahg, this can't go on like this, I have to find something to distract him... When I can move...- 

After probably an hour he managed to get home and with a lot of effort went up to his shared room. King was there in the dark glued to his screen. 

-What are you doing?- 

-Playing, don't bother.- 

-Last night you were like that until very late, what is it about? Is it that good?- 

-ARE YOU JOKING? IT'S THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD, how come you don't know DemonKingdom? Were you living under a rock all this time or what?- 

-Maybe you forgot, but I'm from another world, wimp... How do those games work?-

-They are role-playing games, you choose a character and as long as you gain enough experience, it makes your character evolve. It's simple really, you can also get experience by buying them with money, I did many things and now I'm level 72.-

-"King of Demons" seriously, that's your username? How childish.- 

-Shut up! My name is awesome!-

A sound came from the computer, it was a fight request. 

-Oh, someone is challenging you.- 

-Ugh, it's the GoldenGuard, he's an idiot.- 


-He is one of the best players, he has his own team and they play in virtual competitions and he didn't let me enter his group!! He said I'm too small, that bastard...- 

-Language... Will you accept the challenge?- 

-Of course I will, watch me kick his shiny golden butt.- 

Upon accepting the request an audio room was opened where they can communicate through their microphones, one of the most annoying voices according to King was heard. 

-"Hello little friend, ready to lose against me? Again."- 

-It won't be the same this time!- 

Not even 6 minutes passed that King was defeated by the insufferable boy. When Luis saw this, he didn't know whether to feel sad or laugh, but he was paying attention to the control movements and the opponent's movements, he decided to take off King's headphones and try them on.

-How low are you to be fighting like this with a little boy, and you don't have friends. How about a rematch with me? It could be now, I'll use King's character.- 

-What are you doing?! I've just explained to you how it works, you haven't even tried the controls!- 

The boy exclaimed, pulling Luis's shirt wanting to prevent him from making a fool of himself. 

-I will avenge your honor young king.- 

Those words made him stop, it was the first time these days that he spoke to him as he wanted. 

-"Okay, I accept the challenge, and for your information I have friends!"- 

-I find it hard to believe, with that annoying voice.- 

You could hear the force with which he pressed the buttons on the other side of the chat, the "GoldenGuard" was somewhat angry about Luis's comments, they were battling for a while, but experience won out over courage, the GoldenGuard is an experienced player, but that does not mean that the rookie who is just starting out did not make him sweat, he was not as far from beating him as he would have liked. 

-"Haha, in the end you couldn't beat me, that avenging your king's honor was idiotic, you talked too much and you lost, you're just like the little rat boy."- 

-At least it didn't take me half a life to get as good as you. Putting up a good fight while it being my first time playing with these controls and you having a higher level than my character.- 

-"It was too easy a game, I knew it would be more interesting to give you some advantage, but it's not for you to brag about taking half my life when I went soft with you to give you confidence, rookie."- 

-Well, you typed with a lot of fervor to say that you were going soft, I'm sorry to tell you that with that irritating voice you only give an annoying presence.- 

-"My voice doesn't isn-"-

Although it seemed that he wanted to answer, they didn't give him time because Luis cut off the communication. 

-King, that boy really has problems, he was screaming the entire time.- 

King took him by the shoulders with sparkles in his eyes and desire for revenge. 

-You have to make an account! if you play a little more and you're on my team, I'm sure we'll beat those 15 or more morons.- 

-Okay, the truth is that I was looking for new games to entertain myself, this could be fun.- 

Both boys got into it, King took the laptop from Eda's room so Luis could have his profile on it.

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