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An uncomfortable silence had been generated. Lucia felt a type of social pressure when being there, it was noted that there was a personal conflict there that she was unaware of, she looked at her brother but to her surprise he had already gone to socialize a while ago. Amelia looked at Lucia fixedly, her eyes were pretty, but her gaze was aggressive. Scarlett got in between them.

-You arrived early, it's weird, normally the princess comes when she wants to.-

–I felt like coming now, they were in the camp so I came with them.–

When she turned around she realized that only her cousin Amber of hers was left, the Blight twins had left to avoid the drama and begin to enjoy the party. She seemed upset, the witch understood that feeling because her siblings did the same.

-And who is she?-

She asked the blonde as she exchanged glances with the stranger again.

-Scarlett made a new friend this morning and invited her to the party today.-

-Always so impulsive, talking to strangers as if it were nothing, you should not have that irresponsible attitude.-

Before she could answer, surely with an insult, Lucia takes the hand of her new silver-haired friend making her start to blush leaving her not knowing how to react.

-I did not know that I would meet your mother, or I would have fixed up a little more.-

This comment caused some humor to the group except Amelia who stared at her angrily.

-I'd better go see where my brother is, sometimes he gets into trouble when you're not looking at him, excuse me.-

Trying to release her hold, she felt her hand being squeezed, Scarlett grabbed her arm and began to walk alongside her.

-I will accompany you.-

The blonde was surprised and also angry about what she had just gone through, they left her in the middle of the conversation. Ivy and Daniel smiled when they saw what happened, it gave them a bit of humor after everything they had been through.

-It seems that our scarlet girl found someone who corresponds to her, how cute, don't you think?-

-That girl has something that I don't like.-

-Is it Scarlett's interest? I know you two had a thing for a while. You sure you're not just jealous?-

-NOT THAT, it's that she... Never-mind, let me know when we play.-

The Blights went another way talking and looking at the crowd that was forming.

-They left us to put together all this alone, right?-

-They left us to put together all this alone, yes.-


Meanwhile in the house with Eda and Luz, there was an awkward silence in the room.

-Have you always lived here?-


-Where else have you lived?-

-With my parents, then I spent some time here and a little there.-


Eda's ambiguous responses made it difficult to hold a conversation. Looking at the clock she saw that it was time for her "medicine" so she just went up to her room. But in the middle of the corridor she found King who had a toy in his hand, it was difficult for her to know what it was, she was shooting some little rubber things like a crossbow but more strange.

-What's that?-

The boy smiled when he saw a target, he was going to go down Hooty but he would not waste this opportunity having so much ammunition.

–Pray for mercy from your KING!-

He started shooting the witch while he laughed like a spoiled child.

-Stop, wait- ENOUGH!-

With a magic circle the illusion of a monster, King was scared of this and began to shoot desperately until he ran out of bullets, the monster disappeared with the first bullet, but as he had his eyes closed he had not realized it. King noticed that he was alone because Luz had already entered her room. The witch saw how her hand had gotten bigger and her nails were longer and sharper, her curse reacted to her moments of negative emotions, stress, fear or anger, during these years she refused to feel them. She had to channel and avoid them at all costs not to transform, but the new environment and being without her sibling had made her tense and being attacked, made her internal beast react. Luz remembered something similar that happened to her at school, she only had to take the potion and the pain would ease, but she wasn't alone in the room. The smallest boy in the house was in the room snooping through the girls' things, in his hands was the potion.

-Give me that.-

It is the only thing the witch could say while stretching her normal hand towards him, the fear on the part of both grew, that of Luz for which he broke the bottle and Owlbert was scared when he saw how her transformation continued, when she approached the child he left running almost crying, as he stumbled down the stairs on the last step causing it to break. Eda approached him, lifting him off the floor and he responded by clinging to her.

-Are you okay baby? What happened? What's up?-



Running from the kitchen came King and Hooty who, when shot with foam rubber bullets, fell to the floor pretending to be dead.

-King, I already told you not to play with that thing here.-

–I can't play with my computer, cell phone or console, and now I can't play with the toys you bought me either? Make up your mind.-

Seeing Owlbert very attached to his mother and with fear worried his older brother.

-What's wrong with him?-

-Something scared him upstairs, it came with that broken thing that Hooty will clean.-

-I won't clean anything, I'm dead.-

Hooty said on the floor, sticking out his tongue as he pretended to be dead.

-Surely it was Luz who scared him.-

-Don't talk nonsense, that girl couldn't scare a fly, what's more she would attract them with her cotton candy hair.-

–Remember what Luis said, she is an illusionist, she made a monster appear when I dis- when I started playing with her.–

-I'm sure you asked for it.-

After a minute they began to feel a tremor coming from the upper floor. 

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