As Always

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Amity was looking at the beautiful glossy cover of the book in her hands, the brightness comparable to her eyes.

–Wait, I can really have it?-

-It will be a loan until you finish reading it, it's actually from my sister so I can't give it to you.-

It meant the end of the break, the girl was aware that she had to return it so she stood up holding the book in her arms.

-It was... Nice chatting with you Lucia.-

-I feel the same, Amity.-

-I know it will sound strange but... Do you think we can talk like this again?-

The witch widened her eyes at the request of the girl, the lack of answer made her blush at the shame of her words.

-It doesn't matter, it was just kind of silly, sorry, I have to go.-

Noticing her disappointment on her face when she turned to leave she took the girl's arm.

-Hey, if it's okay with you, we can read it together, I wouldn't mind doing it if you want.-


-Sure, same place, tomorrow.-

Noticing the change of expression, she also smiled and relaxed her expression, she reminded her a lot of her little sister. She was surely not very different from her, a girl who has no one with whom to share tastes and passions, who excludes herself and acts as if nothing will affect or matter to her. Not only made her think about Luz, but also about herself.

–If you want to start reading it's fine, I've already read it 10 times maybe.-

–Okay, I have to go now or I'll get in trouble.-

–Guess, you never get in trouble.-

Amity smiled and walked away. In the direction of the camp, Lucia invoked her staff to continue searching for her sister. After a few minutes she received a message from Luis, saying that they were at home and asking where she was. When she got home she saw Luis scolding Luz.

–I know you want to do things and meet people in this world, but you can't expose yourself that way, nobody is supposed to know what we are or where we come from.-

–But she's my friend, she won't tell anyone!-

–You met her yesterday, how can you be so sure! Don't ever expose yourself like this again! The people I was with also saw you, you're lucky they didn't see your ears or this would have escalated.-

–It only bothers you that it can put you to shame again, it's the same as at home, because only you can have friends?! She is my friend and I will continue to see her even if you don't want to!-

Luz grumbled and headed towards her room, very annoyed at her brother. Lucia could hear the sound of the door slamming from the first floor. Luis was also upset, but he felt bad for the words he used towards his sister. What Luz believed was not true, he did not feel shame or anything similar for her, although she did not know it, he defended her on multiple occasions.

-What happened? I only went out for maybe 20 or 30 minutes, I thought these discussions would stop in this world!-

–Where the hell were you?!-

–Calm down! When I woke up I found a note from Luz saying that she was taking a walk so I went looking for her. You yell at me again and I'll hit you on the face pretty boy.-

-Okay, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have gotten up and left considering the events of last night.-

-I had to do it, I was worried, and it seems that I had a good reason.. What happened anyways?-

–It seems that yesterday and today Luz got together with a human girl, she knows what we are and she told her about the Isles.-

–That sounds problematic, we will have to talk to her, also with the obnoxious blonde who saw us at the party.-

–Yes, we will solve this later, try to talk to Luz, she will listen to you more than me.-


A little earlier, Amelia he had gotten ready to leave that insufferable place that was the camp. After waking up due to being unconscious, her cousin explained what her siblings had said that happened. Although she knew that it was not true, she would never eat the filth that they brought. What really happened was that she saw a horrifying monster, a real one that got into her mind. The two foreigners or Scarlett's friends were fighting it using magic. She could not say that even in her dreams, with how sweet her family is, they would take her to a psychiatric hospital immediately. When Amber told her that one of the two witches was there she immediately got up to face him, but when she went to look for him, he was already gone. The only thing she wanted now was to go to her house, it did not matter that her parents were there, she needed time in her own bed and not in a bed at camp.

On her way home she saw a figure approaching from the forest, a bead of sweat came from her forehead along with a tangle of nerves. She calmed down immediately when she saw that she was only her little sister, but that she was towards her in the forest alone, now she knew how dangerous this was.

-Amity, what were you doing in the forest? Campers cannot leave the camp.-

The girl's cheerful grin was immediately erased, taking one of surprise and changing to one of annoyance.

-Don't go to the forest again, I'm telling you for your sake.-

-You even sound like mom, just because you look like her doesn't mean you have to act like her, I was just reading, and it wasn't too far from here, no bother.-

This comment hurt Amelia, just because of the resentment and fear she has for her mother, that had been a cheap blow and it was on purpose. Noticing the book in her hands as she passed by her side. She could tell that it was, it was volume 5 of the Good Witch Azura series, one that she did not possess.

-(Azura? Mom doesn't buy her that kind of book anymore with the excuse that she should be more mature and not read such childish things) Who gave you that?-

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