Good Coffee

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The Park Café was one of the most popular places in the central square, its coffee was very good, but it was best known for its homemade desserts. It was a family business, where both parents worked in the kitchen, and the older daughters served the customers. Despite being twins, the difference between the two was huge, physically they looked very similar but their personalities and attitudes were very different. While one was a sunbeam, the other spoke to you by dropping things like a bucket of cold water on your face. This time it was the one with the rough attitude, Guinevere Park, who was at the counter.

-Mrs. Clawthrone, how strange that you are so early, are you planning to pay today?-

-Always to the point, isn't it Guiny? I still haven't decided if I like you or not.-

There was a smile on the girl's face at the comment, but she saw the other two companions. King already knew her, but the others were new.

-And this boy? Did you kidnap him?-

-Of course not, why does everyone reach that conclusion?-

–It is rumored that you are a witch and it would not be surprising if from one day to the next you wanted to start doing strange rituals with children and then eat them.–

-Just because my acquaintances say that I am a demon does not mean that I am a witch, in addition, witches do not eat children.-

-It's true, those things were forbidden centuries ago.-

-Did they really?-

Luis looked at her with an expression leaving the answer obvious, Guinevere had already lost herself a bit in the conversation. Luis understood that and continued to introduce himself.

–My name is Luis Noceda, my sisters and I are staying at her house and you are... Guiny?-


-It is a very pretty name.-

–It's not so bad when you have to carry it, and what are they going to ask for?-

Eda pushed the witch a little to bring the girl's attention back.

-An Irishman, chocolate milk for King and ... What do you want, little prince?-

–I don't know what the types on the blackboard are, but I'll try the cappuccino. Lucia likes sweet things, so she'll like the one with chocolate, the Mocha I suppose? Ah... You also told her that would you buy a dessert-

The older woman gestured as she took her wallet out of her.

-Well, what do you want to take, choose quickly.-


She showed King a dessert menu that she had taken from the counter. Luis approached him to see what he was looking at.

-Look, if you take the whole box they give you a discount.-

-Those things are very cloying.-

-Perfect for my sisters.–

Edalyn had no choice but to resign herself and pay.

-All to go, isn't it? It will be ready in a few minutes you can sit over there while you wait.-

They all sat at a table near the door, Lucia could see them from where she was standing.

Eda wouldn't even let me stay inside the car, it's still a bit cold out here. I'd like to go in there too, there's coffee and chocolate. How was Luz doing on her own? She had to stay home alone and she had to be bored by now... I hope the house is fine when we return.-

Deep in her thoughts, she did not notice a girl who was watching her. The girl was going with two friends to the cafeteria but she told them to go ahead and she approached the witch.

-Hey, you're new around here right?-

The girl was very pretty, especially her silver hair with a reddish streak, that was what caught the attention of the tallest.

-How did you know?-

-There is a certain saying that it is "small town, big hell" it is easy to meet everyone, and I have never seen you before.-

-So you know everyone?-

-Only people who are worth it, hey, there is going to be a bonfire party in the forest tonight, in case you are interested in meeting the people here.-

-Sounds good.-

–Even if you want we could- -

-A cutie said party? I'm going.-

Luis had appeared out of nowhere, apparently he was watching the scene from the café and couldn't help but get closer. Normally at home no stranger would approach Lucia on their own, she had a not very good reputation so to speak.

–Don't get into other people's conversations Luis, you know I hate when you do that.–

-Don't be like that sister, I also want to meet new people, we're going to be here for a while so it wouldn't be bad.-

–You just want to meet girls.-

–Girls are people.-

The older one was going to hit her brother, but she was held back by the girl present so she just pushed him and told him to get away from her.

-Sorry for that, he's quite an idiot.-

-It's okay, my little sister also behaves like that sometimes, so will you go?-

-Sure, it would be nice to meet new people.-

-It will be at 8 behind Camp Hall Xavier, next to the lake, it will be easy to find once you see the fire and the people, your brother can also go if he's 16.-

-Then I'll see you there...–

-Scarlett, and yes, I'll see you there.-

The girl turned around and went back towards the café with her friends, the others were returning to the car after waiting for her to finish talking with her new friend. They all looked at her with an accusing smile, they were still the same in the car, which made Lucia uncomfortable.

Meanwhile in the café Scarlett told her friends about the girl she had just met.

-I told her about the party tonight and she said we would meet there.-

-Great, and what is her name?-

The silver and red haired girl was silent for a moment.

-I... Forgot to ask...-

-You're an idiot sometimes, you seriously go overboard.-

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