First Day

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Every year Hall Xavier Academy prepares a camp for students seeking extra credits. In this place they would take support classes, plus typical camping recreational activities. You have nine clubs to choose from, which you must register before going, obviously. Not many sign up for this camp, sometimes it is more of a sense of obligation because it is a strict academy and an average grade must be maintained. Other times it is to look good with the teachers, it's not a really fun place to spend the holidays but there were always enough registered for it to continue.

Willow Park was required to attend, her grades hadn't been the best this past semester, and she needed extra credits to keep up. On the other hand Amity Blight, she already had the highest average of her grade but still goes to camp every year. It is thought that it is for the credits but in reality it is because the camp is paid for by her family and she has the obligation to attend. She would prefer to stay at home, but she must stay on top and continue to show herself as a worthy owner of her last name. Her siblings and cousin also have the obligation to attend. Her older sister refused this year, and since she is 18 years old her parents allowed her to. Although she would have to go from time to time to see how things were going as the assigned supervisor of the family.

There were also people who went for other reasons. An example of this is Boscha and her group who are not doing relatively badly in school, they went just because there were some fun activities and Amity was there. Although Skara did have some problems with various subjects.

The rooms were random and by a miracle of God Willow did not get a room with Amity or Boscha. She did get stuck with two others from their group though, Amelia and Kat. Willow did not get along with them and they did not get along either, their meeting was uncomfortable. There was also another girl named Bo who was in the same class as Kat and when she arrived she was like a point of stress relief.

Willow's parents enrolled her in Cooking, they both own a family cafeteria in the city being popular for its good home atmosphere and their homemade desserts. They thought it would be good for her to learn a thing or two about cooking, what they did not know was that Willow didn't have any kind of pastry talent and would bring her difficulties. In her first class she made something disastrous, burnt but raw on top. The worst thing was that she was in the same class as Amity Blight, who did everything perfectly, dazzling the teacher. Her haughty gaze was a strong blow to her self-esteem, apart from being one of the people who repeatedly annoys her. At the end of class they both stayed. Willow had to clean up because she had the worst pastry, and Amity because she did not want anyone to touch her things so she cleaned it herself. When she finished she approached the worst in the class.

-I suppose that as a best student I should encourage you to keep trying, so don't feel bad Willow. Until you can prepare something decent one day, don't stop trying super star.-

Amity walks away leaving Willow with a mess to clean up.

-"Don't stop trying super star!" Ugh! I hate when she talks like that, because not only does she leave me alone, I can no longer TAKE. HER. BULLYING!!-

Screams, banging on the table, accidentally hitting a spoon that was used as a lever, throwing a bowl of baking mixture towards someone who has been peeping indiscriminately through the window.

-Oh no, oh no!-

Willow rushed over to where the victim of her anger was a girl with very striking hair who was wiping the mixture off her face.

-I'm really sorry, I didn't think that would happen!-

-I don't worry, this is pretty good anyway.-

Taking a handkerchief from her pocket, she continued to wipe her face, noticing something more peculiar than her hair on the girl.

-Your ears... They're pointed!-

The girl reacted quickly and covered them with her hands, but she had mixture on them so the reaction on her face was "eww". The one with glasses took the girl's face in her hands to better see her ears.

-I had never seen anything like it! What are you? Where do you come from? How did you get here?-

-Ah ... I- I don't know if I have permission to say those things...-

The shorter one released the other kids face a little sad with her answer.

-Can I at least know your name?-

-My name is Luz, Luz Noceda. You're Willow right? What is this place?-

-This is a school camp.-

-Wow, it's very different from the ones at home, these look pretty!-

-Well, not everything here is pretty...-

-Are you saying it for that girl from before? Sorry, her conversation caught my attention.-

-...Yes, for her, and her friends, the truth is they're unbearable once they mess with you.-

-I understand I would be bothered by others as well. ...If I answer your other questions, would you keep them a secret?-

-Of course!-

-I am a witch and I came from another world, and how did I get here? Well...-

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