Part 49: Untimely end.

Start from the beginning

Yumi: Accept that you've lost.

Fubuki: *Smiles*

Yumi: Why are you smiling!?

Fubuki: You think the fight is over, it has only just begun. And I don't think your prepared.

Reed: [REDACTED]. You said the wrong stuff to the wrong guy.

Fubuki: What's with that-

Roy: Right behind you.

Fubuki: Shinobi Transformation. *Transforms*

Yumi: What is this!?

Fubuki: Come and get me.

Roy: Fine.

*The stadium suddenly become quiet*

Kagura: What's this? It's quite... A bit too quiet...

Renka: Whats even going on?

Fubuki: What is this?

Roy: *Eyes go silver* The power, of a [REDACTED] God.

Fubuki: What-

U.I Roy: After all, I'M THE DEVIL INCARNATE!!! *Slams his fist into Fubuki*

Asuka: This form. Roy needs to end this quickly! This has a time limit!

Reed: No need to worry. He's done it.

Asuka: Don't what!?

Reed: Master it. So he shouldn't have a problem holding it for longer.

U.I Roy: Fight on! *Quickly Barrages Fubuki*

Fubuki: Damn it!

U.I Roy: Come on, beat me if you can. *Rapidly barrages*

*Shockwaves are sent through the entire stadium*

Everyone: *Sent back* WHAT THE!?!


E: This is the exact reason why I did not use Mike. But it had to kinda happen.

*Time resume*

U.I Roy: Come on. Come on. Come on. Lose. *Punches even faster*

*Even greater shockwaves are created*

Fubuki: Is something wrong? Are you losing steam-

U.I Roy: *Starts punching faster*

Fubuki: What is this- *Hit millions of times*

U.I Roy: Now's my chance. *Grabs her head* Die. *Slams her head into the ground*

Gekkō & Senkō: LADY FUBUKI!!!

U.I Roy: I'm not losing this form anytime soon. Get up if you like. *Walks away*

Reed: If Fubuki gets up and says something stupid, it's all over.

Fubuki: Your still holding back. Why is that? If you dare hold back then fine, I now declare war on all reasoning Shinobi of this world!

U.I Roy: I'll kill you.

Fubuki: Then go on.

U.I Roy: Thank you. *Dashes to Fubuki*

Fubuki: You don't have the guts-

U.I Roy: Killer Move: Satan's wrath.

*A smoke bomb fills the arena*

U.I Roy: *Activates his Ken Haki* You got lucky this time. Next time, it will truly, be the end of you. *Goes back to base*

Asuka: Roy...

Roy: So who wants pizza after we save the girls?

Yumi: Did you forget that just happened?

Roy: Nah! Didn't. Let's just get pizza after, I'm hungry.

Reed: DAMN ROY! *Dashes to him*

Roy: WAIT-

Reed: *Bonks him* WHY DID YOU LST THEM GET AWAY!?!

Roy: They're not that far. So no worries.

*A rift in space opens*

Roy: What the- that portal looks oddly familiar.

Remillia: Hello Younger brother.

Flandre: *Runs to Roy* Little Bro!

Roy: Heh. *Grabs her* How are ya? Still as problematic it seems.

Yumi: You two are his older sisters-

Roy: Via destiny. Us three were born with the power of the scarlet devil. I had the most potential but the least power. Remillia had the most intelligence. Flandre had the most physical raw power.

Yumi: And they got his legacy before you did right?

Roy: Yes. I'm only around 38 whole Flandre and Remillia are over 400.

Remillia: You've done a lot. Let us fight alongside you. Family bonding am I right?

Roy: I guess so.

Reed: Get ready. Round two us coming!

*Four pillars sprout from the ground*

Asuka: Everyone!

*Orange, Chosen one, Homura & Miyabi jump out from the hole*

Yumi: What are you four doing here!?


Homura: There's a Yōma!


*The large Yōma jumps from the hole*


Fubuki: *Reappears* It's about time you showed up.

Yumi: A Yōma!? But why!?

Flandre: YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HURT MY BROTHER!! *Summons a fire blade*

Roy: Stand down for now. We need a moment to process.

Yumi: You can't be serious!

Rasetsu: My name is Rasetsu. And as Fubuki's blade I will destroy all good and evil Shinobi alike.

Roy: Sounds like something we should stop!

Reed: Sounds like a plan!

*Multiple Pillars sprout from the ground*

Reed: Shoot! *Flies up*

Roy: Damn it! *Flies up*

Remillia: How problematic. *Flies up*

Flandre: Whoa! *Flies up*


--------To be continued...

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