A Dance in The Rain •Hwang Hyunjin•

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Genre: soft?
Word count: 822 (my apologies, this is shorter than I wanted it to be)


After a long day at work, you let yourself fall onto your sofa in the living room of your house as you heard the shower water running in the bathroom down the hall. You changed into a nice outfit from wearing a stupid and short waitress uniform all day. You had been working since 8:30 this morning. It's currently 6:01pm and you hadn't eaten anything yet.

You had to deal with so many guys at the restaurant catcalling you, whistling your way, snapping their fingers at you for your attention, and more dehumanizing things all day. You were sick of it, but you were too tired to care now. You just wanted to have a nice dinner meal with your boyfriend.

But instead, you turned on the tv to watch a Kdrama while you waited for your boyfriend to get out of the shower.


About 10 minutes later, he finally got out of the shower and came out to greet you happily after not seeing you all day.

Walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and messy wet hair, Hyunjin approached you with a warm smile. His smile melts your heart each time you see it. It's what made you fall in love.

"You look gorgeous," he bent down inches away from your face, making you blush and look down after mumbling a 'thank you'.

"How was work?" he asked quickly, pressing a peck against your lips once you sat yourself upright on the sofa.

"I'd rather not talk about it," you sighed, remembering how it went all day. Horribly.

Hyunjin gave you a confused look, but let it go and stood up.

"I'll get cleaned up, then we can head out for dinner," Hyunjin said swiftly, turning around on his heel as he approached the bedroom without giving you a chance to respond.

You waited for another ten minutes for Hyunjin to get changed. He walked out of the room wearing black jeans and black dress shoes, with a tucked in black shirt underneath a black blazer that had two unhooked buttons. His hair was perfectly straight with his bangs landing just over his eyebrows and a small parted slit that exposed some of his forehead.

He was so handsome. The way he looked at you was gentle, and comforting...you couldn't be happier without him.

"What?" Hyunjin asked you with a small smile, fixing his hair.

You just shook your head and looked away, blushing slightly from only his presence.

"Let's head out, shall we?" you asked with a smile, walking over to the front door as he followed along behind you.

You both exited your house to the driveway where your car was. But just as you were about to step down from your front steps, it began down pouring. Your reservation for dinner is outside.

"Ah no!" you exclaimed, quickly running back up the steps past Hyunjin to watch the rain from a drier area.

But Hyunjin was just standing in the rain with a smile on his face, turning around to look at you.

"Come over here, you're getting soaked!" you shouted over the loud sound of the rain hitting your house and car.

He silently reached his hand out in your direction making you furrow your eyebrows with confusion.

"Want to dance?" he asked with rain falling down his face.

You suddenly smiled at him. How is he so cute?

You approached him with a smile on your face as he took your hand in his and pulled you against his chest. He began rocking you both back and forth gently and slowly, resting your head against him.

You were falling in love all over again.

Rain poured down on the both of you, soaking through your clothes. But you didn't care. As long as you were with Hyunjin, nothing mattered.

He began humming a slow song softly where you could feel it vibrating through his chest. You closed your eyes and just felt the rhythm, moving along with his movements as he held you close.

A few seconds later, Hyunjin held his arm above your head, spinning you around once with a handsome smile on his face. He dipped you down low, hovering over you as he studied your eyes for a moment.

And then your lips connected for a few seconds as rumbles of thunder rolled through the atmosphere above, still allowing rain to pour down on the two of you. He pulled away with a smile and helped you back up to your feet before lifting you up in his arms to spin you around.

You in fact did fall in love again. You never thought it was possible but, with Hwang Hyunjin...anything is possible.

A/n: I've been listening to 'Until I Found You' a little too much. It just reminded me of Hyunjin, idk. Hope you enjoyed!

Imagines Book 1 |Stray Kids|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon