Don't Forget Me •Kim Seungmin•

2.1K 34 7

Genre: little bit of angst
Word count: 1.2k

After almost two months of waiting to be accepted by three major music industry companies, you had finally been let into JYP Entertainment. Soon after a couple more months of being there, you gained more and more popularity because of your older brother Jinyoung from Got7.

But you aren't even close to debuting. You were still being evaluated to be put into a permanent girl group that suited you for debut. The only issue is, that this should have been done within the first few weeks of being a trainee. Yet you were still being bounced around between different groups and getting eliminated. But you never gave up.


You sat in an empty practice room cross-legged on the floor, warming up your voice. Other group's music from could be heard from where you were. It sounded really good.

But nonetheless, you had to continue practicing before your next evaluation to see your progress later in the week. You were having a rough day trying to get your voice to stop cracking under pressure because this evaluation was easily the most important one. This week would be the week whether or not JYP thinks you could qualify to debut in a group. And if he doesn't, you could get kicked out and be told to go home or find another center to debut in.

Minutes passed by with you trying your best to sound good. It was no use. You kept beating yourself up over how you could get your voice to go as high as you needed it to. Just as you were about to get up to find your vocal coach for help, you noticed someone in the reflection behind you. It was a boy standing in the doorway, looking at you. He had such puppy-like features at first glance.

"How long have you been standing there?" you asked, now sitting on your knees with your back facing him as you studied him through the reflection still.

Just as you spoke, he invited himself into the room with a small smile. Perhaps you should start remembering to shut the door when you practice to avoid these awkward situations.

"I just stopped by because I heard you singing down the hall," he replied, slowly approaching you with his hands tucked into his jean pockets. "Which was beautiful by the way,"

You couldn't deny that his compliment made your heart flutter.

"No no," you shook your head, pushing your hair back out of your face.

He tilted his head in confusion, looking back at you in the mirror.

"I've had better days than this," you chuckled to yourself, glancing down at your lap sheepishly. It was true.

"Well, if you're in need for a singing partner to practice with..." his voice trailed off, slowly smiling down at you as you looked up at him, knowing what he was suggesting.

"What's your name?" you asked, getting up to your feet to finally face him.

He looked back at you with surprise. He didn't expect you to be willing to practice with him. But he held his hand out to you with a smile. "Kim Seungmin."

You smiled back at him, shaking his bigger hand.

"Y/n y/l/n," you replied as you took your hand away.


You and Seungmin had grown significantly closer over the next couple of months. Except you didn't think of him as a friend. You had developed feelings for him, but you couldn't tell him or it could jeopardize your friendship. So you kept your feelings bottled up. But despite not telling him how you felt, you two still had the best time of your life.

You would often meet up with him in a practice room to help each other warm up. He gave you such good advice that you could tell the difference in your own voice after using his tips only a couple of times. Of course, you helped him back. Outside of work, you two continuously hung out together which led to his own group teasing you both whenever and wherever.

And your permanent debut group JYP put you into did the same thing. You already had a debut date set and ready which was only in a couple of weeks, meaning you would soon have to focus on work rather than hanging out with Seungmin in your free time. It made you undeniably sad every time you reminded yourself. You didn't want to stop hanging out with him. He made you happy.

You walked into the practice room, spotting Seungmin waiting for you already. He typically meets you there five minutes after you arrive. But he looked sad.

"What's wrong?" you asked, shutting the door behind you as you approached him.

He slowly lifted his head up, making eye contact with you. You stopped a few feet from him. You figured he had the same sad news you had to share with him.

"I'm debuting in a couple of weeks, Y/n," Seungmin told you, letting his head hang low again.

His words tweaked your heart. But you were happy for him. He had been talking about debuting for the longest time. It was finally coming true for the both of you.

"That's awesome, Seungmin!" you exclaimed with a smile, pulling him into a hug in hopes that it would lift his spirits. But in reality, it only made you both sadder.

"I'm debuting too," you added against his chest, smiling through your gloominess.

"I won't be able to see you," he mumbled against your shoulder, holding you inside his arms securely.

Your heart was beating so fast. You knew for a fact that he could feel it against his chest, too. You have to tell him how you feel. It was eating you alive. If you didn't tell him now, he would never know. You couldn't leave things like that.


"I need to get something off my chest," he cut your words short suddenly, pulling you out of the hug by your shoulders.

You looked up at him, dreading whatever he was about to say. You wished it could be different, but you knew it couldn't.

He looked into your eyes in silence for a moment, making your cheeks burn up. He brought his hand up to your chin, gently tilting your head up with his index finger and locked your lips with his. For what felt like only half a second, he pulled away and slowly smiled.

"I like you," he said with a small smile, watching your face light up for only a moment. You both knew nothing could happen between you two which hurt more than saying goodbye.

"Don't forget me, okay?" Seungmin spoke, pressing his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes.

You could feel yourself getting overwhelmed with so many feelings at once. He liked you? He liked you all along?

"You better not forget me," you said with a small laugh, taking his hands in yours as you took your head away from his.

He let out a soft chuckle, looking back at the ground for a moment.

"I could never."

A/n: HA. You thought you could get away with only soft imagines?

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