Miss Independent •Yang Jeongin•

1K 22 5

Genre: action perhaps?

Word count: 2.2k

Synopsis: You're one of the greatest assassins who could ever have attended the 'Young Performing Arts' school. But of course, being the greatest doesn't apply to you at this school. Everybody is the best here. With both of your parents being assassins before their deaths on a mission, they had taught you everything they know. But of course, attending an assassins school already knowing most of the criteria and being good at every activity doesn't end well for you. People tend to get...jealous.


Young Performing Arts.

Only the best of the best have the opportunity of attending this school. Which is a limited amount of eight people.

Your class (not in any particular order):

Lee Taeyong

Kim Mingyu

Y/n (you)

Nakomoto Yuta

Kim Yoona

Jung Jaehyun

Yang Jeongin

Lee Eun

Needless to say, there aren't very many girls and for good reasons. This school is one of the toughest schools out there for teaching students like you how to fight and work as a team. However, you soon figured out that most of these men and women do not like working together whatsoever.

You used to be good friends with Lee Eun and Mingyu until they both became distant because they wanted to 'focus on their work'. But in reality, they just left you behind and became friends without you. But that was all whatever, because Taeyong and Yoona quickly befriended you. Best decision you've ever made. That, and dipping your Oreos into milk. Game changer.

As for the rest of the group, they're all a bit intimidating. Especially Mingyu, Jaehyun, and Yuta. They act tough all of the time which annoys you because they act so cocky 24/7. It doesn't phase you, but their resting faces are another story.

However, Jeongin is pretty quiet. He's usually kept to himself whenever your class is studying or practicing, but he has an intimidating resting face, too. He rarely smiles, but Eun always used to tell you how he isn't intimidating when he smiles.

As if that boy smiles...

But you keep thinking to yourself: 'I'd love to see him smile. I bet it's the brightest thing in the world'. And after you thought that, that's when you realized that you had a little bit of a crush on Jeongin. I mean, who wouldn't? He's mysterious, strong, doesn't like to show off his strength or abilities, etc. Damn, he's the whole package.


You heard knocking on your dorm door just as you were about to change for bed after a long day of practice. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at your front door as if you could see through the wood to see who was there.

There was knocking again.

You went over to the door and opened it, but right as you opened your mouth to say something, you were suddenly dragged out of your room by your wrists. In the blink of an eye, you were pressed against the wall harshly. Elbows pinning your stomach against the drywall, and a cold piece of metal piercing the surface of your skin on your neck.

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