Night at The Fair •Lee Minho•

1.4K 34 8

Genre: soft maybe? Guess you'll have to see... ;)

Word count: 1.3k


You threw yourself onto your bed, staring at the ceiling in contemplation. Boredom has never hit you this hard before. All day long you've been cleaning your entire apartment.

You despise cleaning.

You turned your head and glanced at the time on the clock that sat on your nightstand. 7:22pm.

You couldn't even watch the sunset because you already missed it.

Just as you were about to get up and go eat some ice cream, you heard carnival music playing faintly in the distance. You looked over to your window and pulled yourself off of your bed, approaching your blinds as you pulled them up. There was a giant lit up Ferris wheel above the trees across the road. You could see other spinning rides, waves of people walking past fun and rigged games, the whole nine yards.


You looked back over your shoulder at your phone that was buzzing on the night stand. You quickly read who it was and answered the call.

"Hey Minho," you said with a smile as if he was standing in front of you.

You've been friends with Minho for years now. Best friends. The first time you two had met was actually on the Ferris wheel despite both of your biggest fears being heights. It's a long story, but long story short, you were both abandoned by your friends since they had brought their significant other.

So you were put onto a cart with Minho. You didn't know each other, but the biggest thing in that moment that you two had in common, was your fear of falling off of the Ferris wheel even though it was closed in.

So casually, you both tried keeping each other calm and eventually got around to getting each other's number because you actually enjoyed the company.

And you've been best friends ever since.



"There's so many people here," you mumbled as you and Minho entered the fair grounds, gazing upon the hundreds of people walking around with big bags of popcorn, cotton candy, fried dough, etc. It was making you hungry already.

Minho looked to his right and saw a water gun game.

"Step right on up! If you shoot one of these clowns on these shelves back here, you win a cute little pink retriever plushie!" one of the workers exclaimed in an overly excited manner, making you almost visibly cringe at his over enthusiastic voice.

Minho grabbed your hand suddenly, pulling you over to the game with him.

"You want me to win you a dog plushie?" you asked Minho with a slight laugh, watching him give you an 'are you dumb' look.

If you were being honest, you really did like that plushie. It was adorable. Just like Minho-

Shut up Y/n.

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