The Birthday Live •OT8•

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Genre: sorta soft (I think) & 9th member
Word count: 1.5k

Just a lil summary of your background with the members before we get started: you are the ninth member of the band Stray Kids. You are also an actress (slay). You are a little younger than Hyunjin, so your older members are Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, and Chan. You're in danceracha (we love a talented queen) and you are also in vocalracha. And everybody says that you and Hyunjin are the leaders of paboracha. (The idiot group). And, being the only girl in the group, you are part of the official visual line! (All of them are visuals but for the sake of the imagine, the spotlight is on you). Anyway, enjoy!
(This also will go with every other OT8 and 9th member imagine in this series. :)


Stray Kids went live!
Join my birthday live 🐨 -Y/nnie

Due to being busy with filming a new drama starring you and Cha Eunwoo, you have just arrived back at your dorm with your fellow band mates after a few weeks gone in another city. And to make things even better, it is finally your 21st birthday. So, that being said, you decided to spend it with your loving fans on Vlive.

"Hello!" you greeted the camera warmly that was set up on your nightstand in your bedroom.

You had your phone in your hand, scrolling through the live comments that were coming through on your own live. A lot of people continuously said hello one after another, asking you to say hi in their own languages, or asking how your filming went.

"Filming went good," you answered as you sat criss-cross on your bed.

Only another minute passed when suddenly the door opened to your room off camera. You shot your head up in surprise and suddenly felt your face get hotter than boiling water. You had seen some of the boys shirtless before, mainly Chan because he always walks around the dorm half naked for some reason, but not Hyunjin. When Jeongin said that he had a nice body you didn't think much of it until this very second.

Hyunjin was smiling at you as he approached closer, knowing that you were blushing unbelievably hard in front of the fans.

"Put a shirt on!" you suddenly pushed him away from the camera as he laughed, stumbling backward.

"Can I wear your robe?" Hyunjin asked, walking over to your coat hanger where your white bathrobe was hung up. He gave you that for your birthday and he already wants to wear it. Shocking.

You let your face fall into your hands as you let out a sigh, suddenly remembering the tranquil and quiet moments you had with Eunwoo at the hotel.

"Why do you look so stressed?" Hyunjin asked, sitting next to you with a grin on his face, pushing his hair back with his hands.

You lifted your head back up and put an arm around his shoulders, smiling at the camera.

"Have you ever seen Hyunjin naked-"

"What have I walked into" Minho asked, too petrified to move an inch.


"Is that Y/n's robe you bought her?" Minho leaned forward with a grin, scanning Hyunjin whom had his head resting on your shoulder while he read the comments on your phone completely unbothered.

Imagines Book 1 |Stray Kids|Where stories live. Discover now