Off Limits •yang jeongin• (part 1)

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Genre: 🧍‍♂️

Word count: 1.1k

Synopsis: throughout your junior year of high school, you have had trouble trying to figure out why no guy wants to date or even talk to you. All of your girl friends have relationships except for you. Even the quiet and odd kids have relationships! But one day, you finally figure it all out.


"Hey Y/n!"

You looked up from your textbook and waved at your friend Yeri. She sat down at your shared desk and gave you another cute smile. She had her hair up in braided pigtails, yet she still looked beautiful and not like a little girl.

"Where is your boyfriend today?" you asked. You weren't really curious as to where he was, but you didn't have anything else to converse about.

"Joohan? Oh he's at the canteen grabbing me some snacks," Yeri replied, taking her textbook out of her bag and placing it on her desk along with her notebook.

You hummed in response, keeping your eyes glued to your notes that you were so very excited in writing down. Then Yeri went on to blabber about Joohan for ten minutes about how he and her went bowling for a date the other night, so you just hummed and showed zero interest in the topic because it truthfully just made you feel lonely. However, she never stopped.

"I'm going to grab something at the canteen," you cut her off rudely, standing up as you grabbed your phone off your desk in a hurry.

Yeri jumped up out of her seat. "I'll come too!"

You spun around.

"No no! You uh- you keep working! You missed a lot!" you quickly shooed her back to her desk in which she was slowly wandering away from to get to you.

You waved your hands at her and she obeyed, sitting back down at her desk all sulky. You, however, escaped the classroom to get away from the "boyfriend talk". Maybe you shouldn't have asked her about Joohan in the first place.

Walking down the hallway, there were recognizable faces glancing your way and whispering to each other.

"I wonder if it's true about her," one of them whispered.

"Of course it's true, have you seen her? She's an A+ student and she's gorgeous," another whispered back, hitting the other on the shoulder.

"Changbin, why would he tell everyone that she's taken when she doesn't talk about a boyfriend? Like ever?" the other boy asked, holding his shoulder in pain.

"Have you even seen her with a boy?"

You stopped in your tracks, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Someone is telling people in the school that I have a boyfriend?

"Who knows..maybe it's him-"

"Who is telling people that I have a boyfriend?" you cut off Changbin, approaching the two best friends.

Wooyoung and Changbin. Both of the troublemakers skipping class in the hall. Boy, you'd love to stay and see them get busted by the hall monitor, Seungmin, but you have to figure out who this person is that's spreading lies.

Wooyoung and Changbin both shot each other a scared glance.

"No one," Wooyoung replied with a quick smile, thinking you were fooled.

You glared at the male and grabbed his shirt.


"YANG JEONGIN!" Wooyoung exclaimed with his eyes squeezed shut with fear. He was backed up against the wall, gripping it as if it would help him in some way.

Changbin looked over at his friend and scoffed, giving him another hit on the back of the head.

"You can't keep your mouth shut,"

"She's scary!"

You let go of Wooyoung's shirt and stormed off down the hallway in determination to find this bold boy. Yang Jeongin? Who does he think he is to spread rumors about you? He may have just ruined your reputation to find love, to get married and have kids! Okay maybe not that extreme-

After searching everywhere throughout the school for Jeongin, you couldn't find him anywhere. It ended up being time for you to get back to class before the period switched, so you made your way back up to the third floor. Part of you was trying to convince yourself that Jeongin wasn't the one behind it, but the other part wanted to believe Wooyoung. But why would Jeongin tell people that?

"You want to ask Y/n out?" you heard his voice.

You hid in the stairwell, peeking your head around the wall to see what was going on without being seen. Jeongin and Hyunjin were talking in the hallway.


"You can't." Jeongin cut Hyunjin off with a serious stare.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Jeongin looks serious now. You thought it was a joke that he made up to make fun of you for not having a boyfriend but...he doesn't look like he's kidding.

Hyunjin crossed his arms and looked at the boy with a grin.

"Why not? Do you like her?" Hyunjin asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jeongin slapped a hand over Hyunjin's mouth with his eyes going big. He began looking around for bystanders, making you hide behind the wall out of sight. Once Jeongin saw no one, he removed his hand from the surprised Hyunjin's mouth.

"I'm going to ask her out. For real this time," Jeongin told Hyunjin.

*bum bum* is he serious?

"She doesn't deserve anyone else. You don't even know her the way I do. I've known her for years, Hyunjin. Years," Jeongin confessed to his friend, looking down at the ground in embarrassment.

"All of these guys here only want her for her looks, her smartness so they can get into college, her body...but me?" Jeongin lifted his head up. "I like her for her."

You peeked back around the corner, looking at him with softness in your eyes. You had no idea that he felt this way towards you. It made you a little...flustered.

"So you told all of the guys here to not date her so you could have her to yourself without even knowing if she likes you back?" Hyunjin asked with rudeness evident in his tone.

You were taken aback by the whole situation. It was selfish of him to tell everyone that you were already taken and had a boyfriend just so he could be the only one to date you. But he doesn't even have the guts to confess. All this time, you were waiting for the perfect boy to come along into your life. But instead, it was ended by Jeongin all because he had a crush on you.

"Your deadline is in two days. You have two days to ask Y/n out," Hyunjin said, turning around to walk away.

He looked over his shoulder at Jeongin.

"Or I will."


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