Chapter 034

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]A/N: I could feel your rage through the screen so I'll post this early o

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]
A/N: I could feel your rage through the screen so I'll post this early o.O


"Stop! Stop it!" Yeji's shrill screams seemed shallow as she watched the two cousins brawl with each other, desperately trying to get them both to stop, which resulted in an unintentional light blow to her cheek. But the cousins were too busy trying to establish their dominance to realize it.

It was only when Yeji had repeatedly slapped Yeonjun's back, crying for him to stop, did he realize what he was doing. Too egoistic to apologize, he let go of Soobin's collar harshly before getting off of him, wiping the blood that seeped out of the cut on his cheek.

Yeji took a deep breath, regaining her composure as she watched Soobin get up, clutching onto his black eye. She glanced between the two coldly, and they felt guilty seeing her slightly puffy face from crying.

"Yeonjun, you sit over there. Soobin, come with me. Don't you dare move." Yeji glared at Yeonjun, pointing at the chair as she waited for him to sit. Obediently, he quickly took his seat in fear of Yeji exploding into anger. He's probably never seen her this mad.

He watched as she gestured for Soobin to follow her, probably to attend to his black eye. Yeonjun stared at his bruised knuckles, his hands balling into fists as frustration bubbled in him.


"Why did you have to provoke him like that?" Yeji sighed as she pressed the ice pack that was wrapped in cloth onto Soobin's eye, looking at him pointily. She had him lean against the counter so she could be near his eye level to tend to his minor injuries.

Soobin shrugged nonchalantly, grabbing the ice pack and letting it stay in his eye as he watched Yeji look over to the first aid kit that sat next to him. He let her dab the cotton that she had soaked in alcohol on the cut on his cheek, silence slowly filling the room.

"I think I really love you, Yeji," Soobin mumbled as he glanced at Yeji, who watched him quietly. She hummed slightly at his confession, packing up the first aid kit before sitting next to him on the counter.

"I saw the two of you kissing; at the party," Soobin revealed meekly, slouching as he searched for any reaction from Yeji. However, she just widened her eyes slightly before nodding slowly, playing with her fingers.

"What made you pull the stunt you did today, then?" Yeji questioned quietly, turning to face Soobin. He ran a hand through his hair as he sighed slightly, shutting his eyes tight.

"I believed I still had a chance. I've always been the one to back down, but...I know what I want." Soobin opened his eyes again as he looked at Yeji for validation, who only nodded mindlessly, staring into space as she thought about his statement.

"I'm really sorry, Soobin. heard what Yeonjun said. I...I want to date him." Yeji squeezed the confession out of her, her heart hammering against her chest as she looked at Soobin guiltily.

Soobin? He felt as if the world was ending. As if a ton of bricks have suddenly been dropped onto him as if the sun will never shine again. Yeji was his first love, but much of it turns out to be unrequited love anyway.

He naively thought that their case was different. That their feelings were mutual, that Yeji felt the same spark he felt, for him. But after seeing them kiss, it was slowly fading away, the hope for their future. But like the fool he was, he continued hoping.

"Soobin-" Yeji started but was cut off as Soobin pushed himself away from the counter, walking out of the kitchen. Worried, Yeji followed after him after taking the first aid kit to help Yeonjun later on.

Yeji burst through the door just in time to see Soobin shove his arm into the sleeve of his coat and walk out the door quickly, Yeonjun watching him silently with a baffled look on his face.

Yeji whimpered slightly as her lips shook, her eyes fluttering close as she placed a hand over her eyes. She didn't mean to mislead him for so long, she just wanted to continue being friends.

Yeonjun got up from his seat immediately, walking toward the girl who was having a hard time. He wrapped her arms around her, sensing what had happened already. He rested his head on hers as she felt her shaky breaths against his chest, feeling her arms snake around his waist.

"I shouldn't have misled him like that. I-" Yeonjun immediately shushed her as he couldn't bear it when Yeji had the bad habit to blame herself if the outcome of a situation didn't turn out well. He rubbed her back soothingly as he rocked back and forth slightly, trying to calm her down.

"Sorry about that...Let me help you now." Yeji sniffled after the hug extended for another minute, pulling away as she scanned his face for any major injuries. Just a cut on the cheek and a bruise on his forehead.

"Violence is never the answer, idiot." Yeji lightly scolded the elder, pressing the cotton that was soaked in alcohol slightly harder as Yeonjun let out a yelp of surprise at the sudden intensity of the sting.

He pouted as he looked at Yeji apologetically, who gave him a weak smile before pecking his lips, assuring him she wasn't that upset over that. He watched her keenly as she went about, like a puppy looking at its owner.

"Did Soobin get upset?" Yeonjun tried approaching the subject cautiously as Yeji put away the first aid kit. She froze for a second before sighing, letting her hands fall to her side limply before taking a seat next to Yeonjun.

"I told him about our relationship and he just walked off without another word..." She rubbed her face as she felt frustration bubbling inside her. Yeonjun smiled slightly before tucking a hair strand behind her ear, causing her to look at him.

Yeonjun's eyes softened admiring Yeji's visuals, his hands tracing her jaw as he felt her relax at his touch. Yeonjun let his fingers rest on her chin before pulling on it, letting their lips meet.

They pulled back, Yeji seemingly calmer as she offered a thankful grin. They sat there for a while more before getting up, deciding to call it a day since it was already one in the morning. They were walking home together when Yeonjun finally broke the silence.

"I'm glad you clarified our relationship. Wish I was there, though." Yeji laughed slightly as she nudged him, embarrassed. Yeonjun chuckled before ruffling her hair. He let his arm drape around her shoulder, feeling drained from the day's activities.

Yeji was seemingly more drained, but she was really worried about Soobin. Maybe she could've approached the subject more carefully.



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