Chapter 031

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Stepping into the club, Yeji felt the urge to start dancing as the music was turned up to the max volume. Yeji watched, amused, as everyone in the club seemed to let loose as they danced to the energetic song. She pulled on the denim dress Xiaoting forced her to wear, feeling it pressing uncomfortably against her figure.

Having spotted Beomgyu at the bar enjoying a drink, she quickly made her way toward him in hopes of staying with him until Yeonjun showed up, having texted her that he had to drop Soo-jun off for a sleepover first.

"My my, you went all out for this, huh?" Beomgyu nodded approvingly, glancing at her newly dyed hair. Yeji smiled shyly as she tugged on the few pink strands that stood out from the brown color of her natural hair. He flashed a thumbs-up before his eyes lingered behind her.

"So? Where's your date? Don't tell me I'm actually-" Beomgyu was cut off as a teasing chuckle left his lips when Yeji dealt him a playful smack on his shoulder, scowling as a faint blush crept onto her cheeks.

"He said he'll take a while to get here." Yeji hummed, calling over the bartender to ask for a drink before Beomgyu stopped her. "Oh no no, you are not going to drink until your boyfriend decides to show up."

Yeji raised an eyebrow, stealing a glance at the bottle of soju in his hands before looking at him again in disbelief. He returned a smug smile before finishing off the bottle to spite the girl.

"Alright. I'm going to the dance floor. Wanna tag along while you wait for your date?" Beomgyu asked after a satisfied sigh left his lips, standing up before passing the empty bottle back to the bartender, who quietly took it and left. Yeji declined with a shake of her head.

Yeji watched Beomgyu make his way to the dance floor, chuckling slightly as he lost his balance while walking, seeming drunk already. Yeji bopped her head slightly to the rhythm of the song, happy since she already knew this song.

"Do you like the song?" Yeji flinched slightly hearing the unfamiliar voice out of nowhere. Yeji turned her head in the direction of the voice, surprised to see that he had been sitting beside her the whole time. She nodded her head unsurely before turning back to the dance floor, only to realize she lost sight of Beomgyu.

Yeji mentally sighed at herself as the man kept on babbling, nodding to his questions politely, in hopes he would catch the hint that she wasn't interested in talking.

"You know, others would find it quite rude if you don't look at the person talking." Yeji tore her gaze away from the dance floor, seeing the man look at her quite agitatedly. Yeji's eyes widened at the sudden change of atmosphere, her heart beating quickly against her ribcage as she studied the angry gaze the man had on her.

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