Chapter 011

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A/N: Blooming is out! Please give it lots of love🥰

A/N: Blooming is out! Please give it lots of love🥰

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Yeji shielded her eyes from the sun, scanning the crowd for Yeonjun. For a man that said it was an emergency, he was terribly late. Yeji clicked her tongue in annoyance as she flicked her hair back, trying to prevent sweat from dripping down her neck.

A tap on the back surprised Yeji, spinning around to find Yeonjun smiling at her solemnly. Her smile faltered as her brows were raised in confusion. "Why?" Yeonjun mumbled, his smile also dropping. Yeji scowled in confusion, folding her arms. "Why, out of all things, drinking?!" Yeonjun snapped, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Yeji's eyes widened as her arms fell to her sides. She looked at Yeonjun in shame, whispering. "How did you know?"

"Don't change the subject." Yeonjun huffed, staring at Yeji hardly. Yeji rubbed her face, her emotions weren't in check at that moment. "Yeji-" "STOP! Stop it Yeonjun!" Yeji cried, her eyes stinging with tears as she felt her head spinning with all the mixed emotions.

"I don't know, okay? Maybe it's because finals are looming, maybe because I have too many responsibilities, or maybe, just maybe, the fact that I had to push you away because I couldn't stand the fact that you had to disobey your father because of me!" Yeji prodded her chest, the tears threatening to spill out. She gulped down the lump that formed in her throat, staring at Yeonjun's blank face.

"Yes, you're my pillar. But I can't lean on you so hard until you break into two. It'll literally kill you if you try to handle me. I made the decision to give you a break, and for now, drinking is my pillar." Yeji admitted, the tears dramatically rolling down her face slowly as she ran a hand through her hair.

She squeezed her eyes tight as she felt Yeonjun's arms wrapping around her delicately. "I'm sorry," Yeonjun whispered, placing his shaky hand on Yeji's hair as he stroked her silky red strands of hair. Yeji shook her head, squeezing Yeonjun tighter. "It's hard Yeonjun. So, so hard." Yeji gasped, nuzzling her face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry my dad had to do this. I'm sorry our bond is on hold because of him. But, it is your wish, and your wish is my command." Yeji pulled away, chuckling weakly. Yeonjun flashed a guilty smile, caressing her cheek softly before whispering.

"What should I do to make it up to you?" Yeji bit the inside of her mouth, her eyes wandering around before her face lit up in delight. "Drink with me?" Yeonjun dropped his smile as he stared at Yeji pointily. "I promise! It'll be my last time." Yeji pouted, flashing her finger to Yeonjun. Yeonjun shook his head, smiling softly. Grinning, Yeji laced her fingers with Yeonjun before dragging him to the nearest BBQ place.

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