Chapter 006

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"Yeji, since the last therapy session, what has happened? Have you communicated with Yeonjun since then?" Miss Sukie hummed, adjusting her silver-rimmed glasses. Yeji looked away, gripping tightly onto her jeans. Yeonjun glanced at her, lips pursed in determination as he resisted the urge to hold her hand and calm her down. He knew it would be harder for Yeji to reply to the question that way.

"I've been avoiding Yeonjun. It's partly because of the last session and..." Yeji took a deep breath as she relaxed her fingers, eyes fluttering close. "I've been having hallucinations about Hyunjin, and it's always him since he reminds me of Hyunjin." Yeonjun's eyes widened in surprise as his head snapped toward Yeji, who had turned her head completely to the side, cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment.

"Why does he remind you of Hyunjin?" Ms. Sukie enquired, grabbing for her clipboard again. "Hyunjin cared for me, he made sure I ate, he entertained me, he stayed by my side," Yeji mumbled under her breath. Yeonjun bit back his smile, glancing at Ms. Sukie. She winked at him in return before asking Yeji another question. "When was the last time you had these hallucinations?" "Yesterday." She coughed, her ears turning red as she remembered what had happened yesterday. Yeonjun let out a slight chuckle before Yeji shot him a quick glare. "Ok, since we've covered that, let's move on."


Yeonjun stared as Yeji bopped her head to the music, kicking a small pebble between her legs as she waited for him. Yeonjun turned his attention to Ms. Sukie who had just walked out of her office. She had requested to talk to him regarding Yeji.

"Is everything okay?" Yeonjun asked worriedly, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Sadly, for her hallucinations, she needs to see the person in real life for it to stop. But maybe you could try and bring her somewhere to ease her mind. Somewhere that is not so crowded or open space." Yeonjun nodded, mentally writing it down in his head. Ms. Sukie exchanged a few more words before bidding goodbye to Yeonjun again, disappearing into her office.

Yeonjun stood outside the office, his brain whirring as he thought about how he could help. A grin played on his lips as the pieces in his mind clicked before dashing toward Yeji. He tapped on her shoulder, smiling earnestly. Yeji looked at him expectantly, taking out her earphones.

"You know where I normally wait for you right? Just outside the apartment? Meet me there tomorrow, 10 in the morning." Yeonjun exclaimed happily before dashing off. Yeji furrowed her eyebrows as she chuckled to herself. "Damn, he must be really excited. He forgot that he was my ride home." Sure enough, Yeonjun came running back to Yeji, a sheepish smile on his face as he scratched his head. Yeji let out a small laugh before walking toward him.

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