Chapter 032

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]A/N: Updates every day because I've finished all the chapters for rent ^^;

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]
A/N: Updates every day because I've finished all the chapters for rent ^^;


Yeji checked her phone for the billionth time, wondering where her friends were. Now that U-til and Xiaoting were dating, she had barely seen them since they've been busy doing what couples would usually do together.

After the shared kiss with Yeonjun, the duo hasn't decided on anything regarding their future, but it was an unspoken agreement that they were dating after the passionate kiss. It's just...they've been savoring the moment separately since then, and they were both okay with that. The kiss was pretty intense...

"Ji!" Yeji looked up from her phone at the sound of her nickname, a grin immediately plastered on her face as the familiar beauty came into her field of vision.

"Xiaoting!" Yeji giggled slightly as she allowed herself to be pulled into her friend's embrace, giving a cheeky smile to U-til who had been trailing behind Xiaoting. He shook his head slightly, patting her head as his cheeks slowly turned pink.

"U-til, could you wait inside? I want to...speak with Yeji." Xiaoting asked nervously, to which Yeji furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. Nonetheless, U-til went into the cafe after offering his girlfriend a kiss on the forehead and a flick to Yeji's.

"I'm really sorry I ratted out at Hyunjin the other's just-" Xiaoting was cut off as Yeji placed a finger on her lips, chuckling slightly at Xiaoting's apologetic state. Despite offering many apologies since the incident, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I understand...I mean, I haven't spent time with you in such a long time, plus, I have been hiding things from you. And I'm really sorry about that." Yeji glanced at their entangled fingers, taking a deep breath before she locked eyes with the elder again.

Yeji pulled her into the cafe, and the bustling atmosphere shocked Xiaoting since it looked quite calm from the outside. Seeing U-til sitting down at a table, she gestured for him to join them seeing Yeji look for someone.

"So...I'll try not to anymore." Yeji offered a brief smile before walking toward a table, where a gorgeous girl sat, staring at her phone. Once Xiaoting made eye contact with her, she immediately recognized her as the girl from the other day.

"Hello, I'm Kimi Chan." she introduced herself shyly, shaking hands with Xiaoting and offering a small nod toward U-til's direction, sensing the chemistry between the two.

Instantly, Xiaoting took a liking to the girl for her keen eyes and politeness to not flirt with her boyfriend, although not knowing the fact that he was indeed her boyfriend. The two parties exchanged names and greetings, Yeji sighing in relief as everything seemed to be going well now.


"I see Missie does have friends." Beomgyu grinned teasingly, placing the tray of drinks on their table, and sharing a glance with Yeji. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Beomgyu, can you actually join us? I want to introduce you." Yeji pleaded eagerly, looking up at Beomgyu who held the now empty tray while he looked around the cafe, seeing everyone already being served. He shrugged before he squeezed next to Yeji, making U-til do a double-take.

"Guys, this is Beomgyu. He's actually the owner of this restaurant." Yeji whispered the last part, hoping Beomgyu wouldn't hear it in fear of him getting too proud of himself again.

However, he did hear her and puffed his chest out, accepting the compliments offered to him by the girls rather happily. His eyes strayed toward the only other male at the table, who looked at his drink sullenly, seeming annoyed.

"How about you? Anything to say about my cafe?" U-til glanced at Beomgyu, who looked at him expectantly. Straightening his posture, he folded his arms before pretending to observe the drinks served to them. He then looked Beomgyu straight in the eye to answer him.

"It's okay I guess." The girls glanced at each other, uneasy about the tension between the two. Xiaoting nudged U-til slightly before offering Beomgyu a light-hearted apology before complimenting him. It didn't work, however.

"Okay? I'm sorry, but I started this cafe the moment I turned 20." Beomgyu retorted coldly, narrowing his eyes as he looked at U-til as if he was trying to challenge him. U-til poked the inside of his cheek in annoyance, thinking of a smart comeback.


"I'm so sorry about this," Yeji murmured to the two girls, glancing at the boys at the side who were still bickering after 10 minutes. Xiaoting chuckled before waving it off, Kimi also waving it off with a reassuring smile.

"To be honest, it's kind of funny seeing U-til this worked up. He's only ever bickered with me, and I don't think we did it as much as these two are." Yeji snorted slightly as she recalled how her two friends would fight whenever they could. Kimi, however, had trouble picturing the loving couple fighting every day.

"Oh, yea? What about Yeji?" Yeji lifted her head hearing her name leave U-til's lips. She watched Beomgyu quietly as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, not failing to notice that his hand that rested on the table had curled into a fist.

"Oh, don't act so clueless. I saw you squeezing yourself right next to her. Who do you think you are?" Yeji sighed slightly as the other two girls sipped on their drinks, amused at the drama between the two boys.

"I'm her friend, dumbass!" Beomgyu scoffed, but before U-til could retort and the bickering would never come to a stop, Yeji decided to intervene.

"I have a boyfriend." U-til froze. Beomgyu did a double-take. Both girls choked on their coffee. The confession was sudden, but it had to be done if they wanted to go home on good terms that day.

"Why have I never heard of this?" U-til asked questioningly, staring at Yeji pointily as the others also looked at her, surprised and in disbelief. Kimi nudged Yeji, nodding encouragingly having known of her blooming relationship.

"Yeonjun's my boyfriend...the ones you saw picking me up every day for a certain period of time." Yeji's cheeks burnt up in embarrassment as she heard Xiaoting squeal excitedly and saw U-til leaning back with a dumbfounded expression, Beomgyu doing so too, except he had a smug look on his face.

"So...can you guys stop the fight now? It was petty since the start, and this was supposed to be a calm introduction to one another." Yeji addressed the two boys firmly and bluntly, making them avert their eyes in embarrassment.

Xiaoting and Kimi exchanged glances, smirking slightly as they watched Yeji tell the two boys off.



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