Chapter 033

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]


Yeji's eyes fluttered close, a smile spreading on her face as she stepped out of the exam hall. Finally, she had finished her last exam of the day and she had no regrets.

"Yeji!" Yeji's head whipped toward the sound of the voice, a smile immediately growing on her face seeing Beomgyu wave her over. He stuffed his hands into his pockets offering her a proud smile.

"You did it; you're free from the clutches of exams." Yeji laughed at Beomgyu's interesting choice of words, shaking her head slightly before lowering it.

"Wait, why are you even here?" Yeji furrowed her eyebrows, lifting her head as she looked around her. If she recalled correctly, it was quite far to walk to Beomgyu's cafe from her school. Beomgyu placed a finger to his lips, winking as Yeji rolled her eyes at the playful boy.

"I'm holding a party for my friends who just finished exams, in my cafe. It's on the weekend, most probably on Saturday." Yeji pursed her lips, nodding her head as her eyes strayed somewhere else to think about his proposal.

"Who else is going to be there?" Yeji questioned worriedly, afraid she'd have to talk to new people. Beomgyu let out a small chuckle before taking his hand out of his pockets to count off who'd be coming to the party.

Yeji was relieved it was just her friends she had introduced to Beomgyu (Beomgyu refused to call U-til by his name and called him that guy instead), Yeonjun, and Soobin.

"Oh okay. I'll be there then." Beomgyu shook his head as a smile played on his lips. The two conversed for a while more before Beomgyu had to take his leave to go attend to the cafe again. They parted ways, Yeji already thinking about the party.


Yeji opened the door to the cafe rather hesitantly, the closed sign having thrown her off slightly. She let out a mental sigh of relief seeing only familiar faces, getting to know others who didn't know others before.

All at once, everyone faced her and greeted her, making Yeji's cheeks flare up in embarrassment. She had never been the popular one before. She bowed slightly to everyone who offered her a greeting.

She lifted her head only to lock eyes with Soobin. She bit her lip slightly seeing him avert his gaze, slightly disappointed. Suddenly, Yeji was hit with a wave of guilt as she continued to watch Soobin converse with U-til, sensing the forced smile that he gave U-til to remain polite.

"Hey, Ji." Yeonjun grinned as he approached his girl, ruffling her hair as a mischievous grin played on his lips. Yeji clicked her tongue in annoyance, glaring at Yeonjun playfully before fixing her hair.

Yeonjun then pulled her toward the food that had been set on display, successfully distracting her from her worries about Soobin's behavior as he ranted about how good the egg tarts tasted.

But from the glances she gave Soobin, how he was always staring at her before he averted his eyes, it told her something wasn't right about the situation, which unsettled her.


"Why was there so much trash?" Yeonjun whined as he entered the cafe after putting the bags of trash outside, stretching his arms. Yeji looked up from mopping the floor, shaking her head slightly at his complaints. Soobin did the same, looking at Yeonjun quietly before glancing at Yeji, continuing to mop the floor afterward.

The trio had decided to stay back and help Beomgyu clean up the place before he closed it, Beomgyu cleaning the kitchen in another room as Yeji and Soobin mopped the floor while Yeonjun helped with the other tasks.

After an hour, they had put back the mops and turned off most of the lights, getting ready to go home. Beomgyu had rushed out earlier to buy some groceries for the next day when he reopens the cafe.

"Yeji?" Yeji hummed in response, hearing her name being called. She faced Soobin as she slung her purse over her shoulder, Yeonjun busy putting on his coat as the two made brief eye contact.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" Yeji widened her eyes as her hands fell limply to her side, Yeonjun freezing as his breathing hitched. Yeji stumbled over her words, afraid to hurt Soobin's feelings with the truth, feeling more guilty seeing the pleading gaze he sent her.

"No, she won't." Yeji and Soobin looked over to Yeonjun, who had replied to him coldly as he stepped forward, creating a barrier between Yeji and Soobin. Yeji winced as she heard Soobin scoff, sensing the fight that was about to break out.

"And why is that?" Yeji pleaded with Soobin to stop with her eyes, clasping her hands together but he didn't seem to notice as he looked at Yeonjun challengingly. "Because I'm her boyfriend already."

"Oh, yeah? Then why isn't she saying that?" Both boys turned toward Yeji, who was clearly distressed by the creases that were appearing on her forehead. Yeonjun looked at her, motioning for her to speak up as Soobin looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Guys, come one. It's late-" Yeji was cut off as Soobin let out a grunt of victory, taunting Yeonjun. Yeonjun glared at Soobin before looking at Yeji again, obviously shocked that she didn't answer the question.

"Aren't" Yeonjun asked hesitantly, pointing to himself as he looked at Yeji with big eyes, making Yeji sigh slightly as she furrowed her eyebrows.

She dismissed his question as she grabbed his arm, mumbling that they had to go. Yeji flinched slightly feeling Yeonjun release her arm rather roughly, looking at her coldly. Yeji looked at Yeonjun with begging eyes, on the verge of bursting out in tears due to the frustration.

"Answer the goddamn question Yeji." Yeonjun clenched his jaw, scrutinizing Yeji as she shifted around uncomfortably, offering glances toward Soobin before averting her eyes to the floor.

Annoyed, Yeonjun grabbed her jaw and lifted her chin to face him. If it weren't for the worried eyes that he cast upon her, Yeji would have given out due to the anxiety from past experiences.

"Her not giving the answer is the answer." The duo turned to face Soobin, who observed his nails cockily with a smug smirk. He looked up before locking eyes with Yeonjun tauntingly.

"She's obviously not yours."

A shriek of horror left Yeji's lips as she watched Yeonjun's fist collide with Soobin's cheek like it was in slow motion.



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