“Are you stupid? How can you stop at this time?”


The president is very upset. His little wife seems to be not quite right. Shouldn’t he be crying to beg for mercy? What the hell is going on here?!

In the past two years, because work had been busy, it was not easy for days like this to come by when both people are not tired and got interested to do some action, and the times of going to bed was obviously reduced. After living together for seven years, they have unlocked all positions and the curiosity and excitement slowly died down.

Today, the sudden change in the behavior of Mr. President, which was caused by his broken brain, had made the current situation more unrestrained and intoxicating.

After making love and having eaten their fill, the two cuddled together and gasped for breath.

“You didn’t wear a condom…” Jiao Qi frowned and he felt a little discomfort after becoming aware of it.

“Wear a condom?” As if hearing a big joke, Zhang Chenfei smirked. He reached out and squeezed his hand on that soft butt, pinching it hard while uttering in a low husky voice, “I see that you have not recognized your position yet. You are here to pay for your father’s debt. This debt includes sleeping with me and giving birth to my children. ”

“…” Jiao Qiu squinted, reached out and touched the forehead of his husband, but he did not have a fever. Was he insane? How serious was he? Having a child…he’s afraid that they will have some difficulties.

Jiao Qi got up and went to the bathroom.

“Have I allowed you to leave the bed yet?” Zhang Chenfei stood up, followed him to the bathroom, and saw his sweet little wife sitting on the toilet with a bitter face. “What are you doing?”

“Pulling your child out.” Jiao Qi looked indifferent.

“You dare!” The president rose in anger. This extremely daring man had the impertinence to treat his child like this?!

In front of his husband’s ferocious gaze, Jiao Qi pressed the flush button, washing away hundreds of millions of “old Zhang family heirs” and left a pool of deep blue clean water swirling inside the white porcelain bucket, looking lonely and desolate.

Zhang Chenfei looked at the pool of dark blue water, gritted his teeth and said, “Good, very good. I shall spend more time with you then. Before you give birth to my children, your father’s debt will not be paid a single cent.”

“Ahh, I’m so scared.”

Jiao Qi moved back and forth without any fluctuating gesture as he took a shower. He picked up the nozzle against the light and looked at the direction of the toilet where his husband stood still. He was thinking that he should quickly wash this guy clean so they can already go to bed.

Because they tossed too hard earlier, they were beyond exhausted and dinner was automatically neglected.

The little wife is now comfortably sleeping on the bed and this made the president very unhappy. Zhang Chenfei stared at the white back that was exposed outside the quilt and frowned slightly as the room was air-conditioned. His wife’s ivory skin was covered with layers of green and blue shadows. Was he deliberately provoking him to take pity on him? This darn leprechaun.

Mr.Dior | 迪奥先生 [BL]Where stories live. Discover now