

I woke up because my phone rang. I immediately look for my phone on the bed but there is nothing. 

" Where the hell is my phone? "

I said as I was pissed because it disturbed my sleep. Then I remembered that my phone was still in my pocket. I took out my phone and answer the call without looking at the name of the caller.

" What? " I sound pissed. 

" Thank god! You finally answered my call. "

As I heard his voice, I open my eyes and looked at my screen, and saw Jackson's name. Tsk! I immediately regret that I did not look at the screen before answering it. 

" What do you need? " I said casually.

I got up on the bed and look around, Chaeyoung is not there. 

" Babe, can you please listen to me? Please give me another chance. I will not waste it. " 

How dare he ask for another chance in me? After all that he did to me? 

" Are you on the right mind? We are already done., Jackson. I'm tired and sick of you. " I said bitterly. 

" C'mon! I know that you still love me. I'll just gonna wait for you to come back and we gonna fix this. " 

What?! How can he say that? I don't love him anymore. I am so done with him. I'm not gonna get back at him. We are done!

" What the fuck are you talking about? Just let me tell you this once again, Jackson. We are done. I'm not gonna get back to you! So stop calling me!! " I said as I ended the call. 

I breathe in and out to calm myself. I was so pissed that he still has the guts to tell me that I still love him?! And to call me babe? Yuck! I think I might gonna puke if I'm gonna hear him say that to me. Tsk. 

" Calm down. Just block his number if he still calls you. " Chaeyoung said. 

I did not notice that she is at the door standing and looking at me. 

" Tsk. " I just said.

My mood now was ruined because of that stupid guy! Tsk. 

" Let's just eat dinner and I'm gonna drive you home. "

She did not come near me, but instead, she just walks out of the room. What the hell? Tsk. I enter her bathroom just to wash my face and just to relax for a minute. After that, I walk downstairs and saw her waiting for me on the couch with food on the table. She was busy watching the TV as I sat beside her. I waited for her to approach me but she was still focused on the TV. I sighed. 

" Are we going to eat or not? " I asked her. 

" Are you still pissed? " She answers me with her question. 

" What? " 

I looked at her waiting to look at me. 

" What are you talking about? " 

" You're still pissed with your ex, right? " 

She asked me as she looked at me. I don't know where this conversation gonna go. Tsk. 

" Y-Yeah? "

" Okay. Let's eat. "

What is wrong with her? Tsk. Is she not in her mood again? She served some food on the plate and gave it to me. We are eating and she still not speaking to me. I focused again on my eating and the food was great. I think she just order this. 

Queen Of My Heart (MiChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now