A mini family trip is exactly what we need. 


7 AM hit the clock, our kids were up and once they came downstairs, Cami and I were attacked with the sweetest hugs, both of us shattering as our babies cried, having worried more than we thought. 

"Non farlo mai più."- whispered Angelica as I kissed her tears away, hugging her, Ari, Emilio and Max tightly. (Never ever do it again.)

"Non lo faremo mai più, lo promettiamo."- Cami and I swore genuinely, hugging our children protectively. (We will never ever do it again, we promise.) 

Our kids calmed down in mere seconds after seeing that everything is truly okay and fuck, those smiles...No Christmas gift could ever make them smile so brightly, so happily, so profoundly. 

Martina's P.O.V.

Oh, sì, this is our mamma and papà. 

Those smiles, hugs, kisses, sparkles in their eyes, laughter - that's our parents. 

We didn't pay any attention to the breakfast: what we ate, how did it taste - all we saw is the joy in our parents' smiles and how sweet, touchy, and affectionate they are. 

I have no idea what happened, what they did, but thank Dio, they are okay and back to the way we know them. 

I grinned like a puppy, watching papà kiss mamma before helping her to feed my cute, cuddly siblings - Enzo, Fede, Lu and El. 

"Our wish worked."- murmured triplets with big smiles, drinking jasmine tea cheerfully, and I smiled, certainly agreeing about some magic being here. 

Magic of love seems to be just right here, there is no more perfect love than between mamma and papà: what they've been through, how they support each other, their devotion, loyalty, love, adoration and admiration for each other - nobody random has that. 

After such a divine morning, my siblings and I were over the moon, set exceedingly positively for the day. 

"Marisol, ciao."- I giggled, laughing when she nearly yelled "Martini" while dashing to me to hug the life out of me. 

"You won't believe what gossip I have to tell you about our P.E. teacher and headmaster."- she struggled to keep it quiet, buzzing with adrenaline and thrill while dragging me to our Maths class. 

We took our seats and she spilt all the tea while I looked around, biting my lip and pouting when I didn't see a pair of the most beautiful honey-brown eyes. 

"He is never late."- I murmured, reaching for my phone, just to get a text from Nic. 

"And judging from the look on your face, I'd say he died."- said Marisol, my mind full of every single what-if while I replied to my love, worried and restless. 

"Buongiorno a tutti."- stated Signor Arroz with a smile, entering the class, making me shrink in my seat from concern and helplessness. (Good morning everyone.) 


"Siete responsabili di tutti coloro che entrano. Ogni cliente deve essere soddisfatto e tutto deve essere organizzato in modo puntuale e impeccabile."- I instructed a new receptionist at my headquarters and Damon nodded, having good qualification for the job. (You are responsible for everyone, who enters. Each client must be pleased and everything must be organised, in time and flawless.) 

Stella took maternity leave, so I need somebody to fill in meanwhile. Damon could be a very good fit, today will prove whether he can handle it or not. 

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