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3 in the morning.

My cheek nuzzled into Leo's robust chest and he hugged me tighter, laying his face in my hair as I snuggled into his embrace, the two of us deep in the dulcet slumber.

I scooted closer to him, wanting to be even closer to him, but frowned, feeling the wetness between my thighs. My eyes sleepily opened and I lifted the covers off myself, going pale and mortified in a matter of a second. 

"Leo."- I cried out, shattering and clutching onto his forearms as he glanced at me, worried and scared for me. 

"I am bleeding."- I spoke through an ocean of tears, the ground beneath me vanishing as I thought about what it could possibly be. 

"Let's go to the hospital, amore mio."- said Leo, tense and afraid of the worst, and I nodded, shakily holding onto him as he helped me to stand up. 

A thin trail of blood rushed down my inner thigh, making me cry more as my hand laid on my tiny bump, hoping and praying for the wellbeing of our twins. 

"Shh, everything will be okay. I am right here, mia principessa."- soothed Leonardo, kissing my belly lovingly before helping me wear my trainers. 

"I am so scared."- I cried, horrified by the bleeding, and his hazel eyes clouded with tears, making me cry harder and tremble from fear. 

"I got you and our babies. They are going to be okay, you are going to be okay, mio tesoro."- stated my husband gently, kissing my forehead as I sobbed, rubbing my belly, holding onto hope and his love. 

Guards kept an eye on our bambini, we left them a note and headed to the hospital, driving fast for the sake of being in time. 

"I am dizzy. My belly hurts so much."- I almost whispered, seeing blurry spots, and Leo took hold of my hand, holding it securely. 

"Don't close your eyes, mia piccola. Squeeze my hand, baby, don't let go, talk to me."- instructed Leo and I nodded weakly, squeezing his hand while looking at it and talking to him, utterly unaware of what I am saying. 


My life flashed before my eyes as Cami barely held my hand, crying and bleeding by my side. 

The second we reached the hospital, I dashed to her side and opened the door for her. 

"Come here, mio amatto tesoro."- I spoke calmly, keeping my cool for her, and tenderly lifted her off the seat, my soul as if made of bricks once I saw the blood on her small thighs.


I rushed to the hospital with my wife and found our doctor, who took my love for examinations. 

"No...Leo, per favore."- begged Camila, crying and holding her miniature bump, my heart aching and breaking.

"I am right here, amore mio."- I spoke through tears of my own, kissing her little hands that gripped mine as tightly as they could. 

Multiple tests, questions and examinations until we heard something we weren't prepared for. 

Something that made our blood run cold.

"Signora Russo, le mancavano pochi minuti per avere un distacco della placenta. Suo marito l'ha portata in ospedale con miracolosa rapidità, salvando così lei e i suoi gemelli."- stated the doctor, relieved and worried at once. (Mrs Russo, you were mere minutes away from suffering from placental abruption. Your husband took you to the hospital miraculously quickly, therefore, it saved you and your twins.) 

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