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I sighed coarsely, feeling tiny-tiny hands on my cheeks while another pair of small hands rubbed my arm, waking me up. My eyes lazily opened and I smiled, seeing twins cling to me and smile cutely. 

"Perché i miei piccoli tesori sono svegli di notte?"- I whispered quietly, kissing their cheeks as they laid back down and smiled brighter at the granted attention. (Why are my little treasures awake at night?) 

I kissed their little faces and cuddled them, soothing their activeness down before they could wake their gorgeous mamma up. 

"Non hai permesso a papà di passare un po' di tempo in privato con la mamma ieri sera e ora non mi lascerai dormire, mhm?"- I said soundlessly and hoarsely, laying on my back, kissing Francesca's and Eliot's cheeks as they settled on top of me, chuckling and giggling innocently. (You didn't let daddy have some private time with mummy last night and now you are not going to let me sleep, mhm?)

I gently caressed their backs and played with them, keeping them busy, happy and quiet. Twins peacefully occupied themselves with a tiny hide and seek game with me, being so damn wholesome when I found them and smooched their little faces. 

Fuck, my baby fever is thriving. 

"Dovremmo portarti dalla mamma, vero?"- I cooed my cuddly babies as they looked at Cami with a pout, reaching for her chest with the most heart-melting grabby hands. (We should get you to mummy, shouldn't we?)

I kissed my wife's shoulder tenderly, smiling when she scooted closer to us and pecked my cheek sleepily. 

"Amore mio."- I whispered lovingly, gently waking her up. 

"Mhm, sì, handsome?"- replied cutely my beloved, her stunning eyes slowly fluttering open. 

"Twins are hungry."- I said with a smile, chuckling huskily as our little babies made it clear themselves by attaching to their breathtaking mamma and tugged on the sexy, silk, black nightgown. 

"Come here, piccoli."- said adoringly Camila, kissing their forehead before sitting up. 

I helped her to settle with twins and hugged her gently from the side, admiring the sight as she nuzzled into my side, feeding our babies. 

"I love you so much, Leo."- spoke my wife genuinely, laying feathery kiss on my lips, my heart too fucking overwhelmed with love, adoration and joy. 

"I love you very much, bambina. More than you can imagine."- I said  lovingly, tucking a strand of her perfect, light blonde hair behind her ear. 

Once twins ate, I looked after them while Cami fixed herself. We laid down and cuddled mellowly, smiling while relishing in our bubble, watching our children slowly fall asleep. 

"I cannot want to have one more little bean with you."- spoke adorably Camila, smiling at our babies, everything in me tingling as I watched them, unable to utter a word. 

Let's be honest: is there any point in saying anything? My desire to have a child with my wife is gigantic, I want to have that sweet journey one more time and I am the most euphoric that she wants it too. 

No more comments are necessary. Nothing will ever convey this feeling. 

Eli and Fran fell asleep soon enough and it didn't take long for us to follow their lead. 

A few hours later. 5AM.


Morning in Berlin starts with a romantic Italian poems read out-loud by my husband, cup of delicious tea and mellow caresses.

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