Let Me

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Minho didn't know which was worse- the fact that Jongin had easily fitted into their lives or the fact that Taemin didn't seem to pay as much attention to him anymore. It was always Jongin this, Kris that or Chanyeol is so fucking annoying. Initially, Minho really didn't mind. They were cool people to hang with. Well until they started hogging his best friend's attention. To say he was annoyed would be an understatement. Taemin is his best friend, damn it, and Minho needed him.

"Okay, what did that innocent piece of paper ever do to you?"

"Shush, I'm thinking!" Minho pouted.

"Well, don't hurt yourself."

Minho lifted his head, about to retort, when he saw Taemin's amused face. The other boy sat across him, a cup of coffee  in his hand.

"You look like you've seen a ghost or something." Taemin remarked. 

"Well, considering you haven't been around much the last few days," Minho started, ducking his head back down and drew random lines on his paper, "You might as well be one."

Taemin sighed, "Don't give me that crap, Minho. Does it really bother you that much when I hang out with Jongin? He's my friend."

 "It's not just Jongin." Minho stops his doodling, fiddling with his pen, "I mean, he's cool and all... but then there's Kris and Chanyeol, too. You'realways with them. I mean, I'm your best friend, but you don't hang out with me anymore."

"Are you telling me that you're jealous of how much time I spend with Jongin and those idiots?" Taemin asked carefully.

"Jealous?! What? Me?! Pfft- Ha! Never-"


"...Jongin, mostly." Taemin couldn't believe his ears right now.

"I'm sorry, what?" He didn't really expect him to admit anything.

 "I said, I'm jealous of you hanging out with Jongin." 

Well, shit.

Taemin died a little inside. This little confession was too adorable. Minho was too adorable, with the small pout and embarrassed face.

Too bad you're still stuck in the friendzone. A voice in his head taunted, oh wait, scratch that, it's the 'best friend' zone. Tough luck, friend.

Shut up and let me enjoy this, you pessimistic freak.

 "Why would you be jealous?" He tried to play it cool, but damn

 Stupid heart, be still. On second thought, don't be still. I need you beatin', okay? 

"Well, you just met him and you're hanging out with him all the time!"

"Aww, is wittle Minho getting lonely?" Taemin teased, pinching his cheeks, pulling at it, "Does widdle Minho need a cuddle wuddle?"

"Taemin! I'm serious!"

"That's a first." Taemin let go of his cheeks, laughing. "But, really, Min, there's nothing to be jealous of. I promise I'll make it up to you, okay?"


"Yeah, I promise. I mean, what's the frog gonna be without his princess?"

 Minho laughed. 


At first, everything had been going fine. Taemin kept his promise. Well, how could he not when Minho kept trailing after him like a lost puppy? Jongin had understood the situation, but Kris and Chanyeol had been a different story. They constantly nagged until Taemin would (unwillingly) accompany them. But all in all, days were noisy but happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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