Jerks Have A Thing For Me

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In all honesty, their encounter probably was not that bad. There might have been some obvious flirtations and perhaps a heart-racing moment that probably made the other boy panic and bolt. Probably.

Maybe I came on too strong? Kris mused as he tousled his hair, thinking back to what transpired just a few minutes ago as Taemin's back disappeared around the corner.

"Call me Kris, little pretty."

Kris watched, fascinated, as the boy before him blushed a darker shade of red. The boy sputtered, before clearing his throat awkwardly and immediately snatched his hand from Kris' grip. After a few minutes of standing and staring at each other awkwardly (well, only Taemin seemed awkward about the whole situation. Kris looked amused.), Taemin made a move to pick up the scattered papers, cursing his (previously) nonexistent balance under his breath. Being the gentleman that he is— or so he claims— Kris helped the boy pick and stack up the papers. And like them overly cliché love stories, both of them reached for the last paper. His hand brushed against Taemin's and the boy immediately withdrew his hand, as if burned, and mumbled incoherently. Finally, they both stood with Kris carrying more than half of the stack of papers in his arms.

"I can take those." Taemin mumbled, reaching for the papers in Kris' hands onyl to have them lifted up by the freakishly tall boy.

"I can carry these for you, little pretty." Kris smirked as the boy blushed at the nickname.

"Don't you have class or something?"

"That I do."

Taemin pouted, eyeing the papers that Kris held above his head, "Then get to your class."

"I would, but.." Kris trailed off.

"You're lost, aren't you?"

"In a sense, yes." Kris shrugged nonchalantly.

"What class are you supposed to be in?"

"Umm.." Taemin sighed as Kris fished out a crumpled piece of paper from his back pocket, "History with Ms. Song. Room 301C."

The younger cursed. "Follow me then." he said, eyeing the papers once more before shrugging and walking down the stairs, mumbling something about stupid freakishly tall people or something along those lines. Kris let his eyes wander down the oblivious boy's backside. All in all, Taemin looked absolutely delicious and Kris meant it in every sense of the word. The taller boy smirked, as he took in Taemin's for—curves and all.

Taemin led the boy to a room marked 301C and turned to the boy behind him. "Here." He said, "Give these to Ms. Song for me."

Kris took the remaining papers from the boy and smiled at him, "Thank you for your assistance, little pretty. I'll be sure to give these to her."

Taemin nodded, "Alright, I'll be going now. Nice meeting you, Kris."

But before the boy could leave, Kris grabbed his hand. Taemin turned to him, startled. Confusion clouded his eyes as Kris leaned in, barely brushing his lips against the younger's ear. Taemin was vaguely aware of a piece of paper being shoved into his hand.

"Call me." Kris whispered, making the boy shiver as the taller's breath tickled his ear. Taemin momentarily wondered when the hell did Kris manage to write down his number, but it was soon forgotten as he felt the other boy's lips graze his cheek. His cheeks flamed for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"I'll see you soon, little pretty."

And so Taemin did what he thought was best—He ran.

Kris smirked as the thought of Taemin's adorably red face crossed his mind. Maybe transferring here won't be so bad after all...

Key watched in mild amusement as Taemin banged his head on the table for the nth time. The boy groaned, mumbling incoherently before dropping his head back down on the desk with a resounding thud.

"Look, as entertaining this is," Key stifled a yawn, "you're gonna crack your head open and die if you don't stop."

"Ever thought that maybe I want to die?"

Key snorted, "What's up with you? What's with all this depressed shit? Minho's a free boy, you're single. Go mingle. Hoo-hah... or something like that."

"You know, you suck at cheering people up." Taemin sighed, looking up at the older boy, his cheek planted on the table.

"I suck at other things, too." said boy smirked, wiggling his brows suggestively, "Especially Jonghyun. That boy is fine!"

"First off; Gross. TMI. I do not need to know what you and that dinosaur do in your spare time." Taemin shuddered, "Second; it's not even about that bloody idiot this time."

Key's eyebrows rose. "Oh?" he grinned, "has some prince charming appeared and charmed our baby boy?"

"Charmed?" Taemin scoffed, "The guy's a complete jerk!"

"You have a thing for jerks." the older smirked, "trust me, I know."

The boy snorted in return. "I do not." he rolled his eyes, "Jerks have a thing for me. Get your facts straight."

Key mumbled something along the lines of conceited bastard and rolled his eyes, ignoring the smirk that Taemin cast his way. The feline-looking boy tapped the desk repeatedly, looking bored out of his mind as the pair settled into silence. The younger sighed for the nth time, seeming to settle for glaring at an innocent book as if it was the cause of all evil in the world.

"What did the book ever do to you?" Jonghyun sounded amused as he sat beside Key. "I feel like it's gonna burst into flames any second now."

Taemin groaned, "Shaddup."

Jonghyun, not wanting to be on the receiving end of his glare, wisely shut his mouth and settled for watching him in mild fascination.

"Taemin, baby, I love you and all," Key started, "But if you're gonna keep acting like some damsel in distress, I will kick you where it don't shine." Then he added, as an after thought, "Hard."

"Trust me, you do not want to be on the receiving end." Jonghyun shuddered.

"Speaking from experience, eh?" the youngest laughed.

"Shut up."

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