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Jongin was forever thankful to whatever god was up there. Getting along with Taemin had been pretty easy once they got past the awkward opening words. He felt high, and could barely comprehend the fact that Taemin was sitting. on. his. bloody. lap. Jongin mentally squealed, then smacked himself. Why on earth is he acting like a bloody fan boy? It's not like he liked Taemin like that. Right? They just met. That can't be it. Right?Right?

Crap. Jongin sighed, resting his head on Taemin's shoulder, earning a questioning look, Why am I talking to myself like some insane freak?

He obediently opened his mouth when the other boy held up a forkful of chocolate cake to his lips, ignoring the burning gazes from the occupants of the table. It was agreed, although reluctantly, that Taemin would be in charge of feeding, especially after Jongin almost knocked over a drink while trying to reach for the sweet.

"Think of it as part of my babsitting duty." Taemin had joked.

The three giants, whom Jongin swears look like they want to murder him, had not been happy. The frog eyed one, Jongin couldn't recall his name properly- Min something, had heavily protested, full out pouting when Taemin had held up the first forkful of cake.

"How come you never feed me?" Frog (Jongin had come to lamely nickname him as such) pouted, to which Taemin snorted.

"You have hands," he rolled his eyes, "Use it."

"But he has hands, too!" The second one (Chris? or was it Kris? Aish, whatever) complained.

"Yeah, well, I'm sitting on his lap and he can't reach his food."

"You can sit on my lap, cutie." The third one, whose complex name Jongin really couldn't remember, suggestively winked.

Taemin only stared at him blankly before holding up another piece of cake to Jongin. The other male gratefully accepted.

"Yah, stop eating!" Frog exclaimed, eyes widening even more comically, "Stop feeding him, Taem! I'm your best friend, how dare you even- are you replacing me? I tho- mmph!"

Jongin had to stifle a laugh when Taemin reached over, shoving some cookies into the boy's mouth, successfully choking and shutting him up.

"Thank you for shutting up, Minho." Was Taemin's sarcastic remark.

Jongin felt Taemin shake his shoulder, successfully snapping him out of his daydream.


Taemin sighed. "I asked if you wanted more."

"Oh." Jongin let out a chuckle. "Yeah, sure, I guess."

The boy on his lap rolled his eyes and shifted slightly, his behind pressing against Jongin's crotch. Well shit.

Jongin concentrated, palms sweating. Don't get a boner. Don't get a fucking boner.

But Taemin kept moving, probably to find a more comfortable position. Or maybe torture him. But the first one seemed to be more reasonable. Unless Taemin was out to get him or something.

Don't get a boner. Don't get a boner.


Jongin choked. Taemin took that opportunity to shove some cake into his mouth, pressing himself more against Jongin's crotch.

Then he moaned.


Out loud.


Stay down, super junior. I beg you. Stay. down.

"I uh-" he stammered, face heating up when he saw everyone staring (well, Key was smirking), "This- this cake is delicious?"

"Sure it is." Jongin was sure Key knew.

He dreaded looking at Taemin. But he did anyway, because he was stupid like that. Taemin's eyes had widened, mouth slightly ajar before he closed it, looking at Jongin awkwardly. He could feel something poking him.

"Are you- Is that what I think it is-  Oh my god." He rambled, but only loud enough for Jongin to hear.


Strangely, Taemin found Jongin's flushed, embarrassed face adorable.

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