Chapter 1

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Author's POV

It was raining very heavily.

And the girl who always enjoyed the rain didn't even care about it. She was more excited about something else. She was more excited about starting her new life.

"This station is Rintis Island"

As soon as she heard the announcement she quickly stood up and with a heavy sigh she picked up her bags and thanked the nice aunt who gave her some food during the journey.

"Rintis Island, here I come!"

*bell rings*

"Don't forget to do your mathematics homework!" The math teacher Mr.Papazola said but the students never really cared.

"Hey Boboiboy, let's play football later" Gopal suggested.

"I can't. I have to help Tok in cafe. You know how much popular it has become now. Maya and Ochobot can't handle so many customers alone" Boboiboy turned him down.

"How about me? I can play" Fang said.
"No thanks." Gopal replied.

"Why not?" Fang asked.
"I learned my lesson last time. You literally ditched me because your dearest girlfriend video called you." Gopal replied.

"Obviously, I would choose my girlfriend over you" Fang said with a smug face.

"Hey Fang" Ying called and he hummed in response.

"When is (y/n) coming back any idea?" Ying asked.
"I don't know. I asked her too and she said that she doesn't know it either" Fang sighed.

(Note: (y/n) is from Frenemies she ain't you in the story. She is Fang's girlfriend)

"I miss her so much. I've made some new cookies bet (y/n) would've loved it. But sad for her the cookies won't last long. I'll bring those cookies for you tomorrow" Yaya said and all of them looked concerned, really concerned.

"What's with this face now?" Yaya asked in confusion.
"Uhh nothing hehe" Ying replied.

Suddenly a boy slammed his fist on Gopal's table and glared at the Kokotiam gang.

"What the hell do you want Nate?" Ying asked really annoyed by the boy.

"Boboiboy, give me your powerwatch" He demanded.
"Just how many times I have to say this Nate? I don't lend people my powerwatch." He replied.

"Then give me your powersphere" He demanded.

"Do we look like your daddy's little servants?" Fang asked with an irritated look.

It wasn't the first time they were dealing with something like this.
Most of the students either begged or threatened them to lend them their powers.

But the students were scared too. They thought what if Boboiboy uses his powers and hurt them.

But Kokotiam gang wasn't like that. They made sure to never use their powers on humans or innocent animals since it can be very dangerous.

Nate wanted to be the most liked guy of the highschool. He wanted girls to fall for him. He had good looks, he was smart and he thought that was enough for becoming the most liked guy but unfortunately he was in the same year as Boboiboy's team.

He was the 3rd most popular guy but he wasn't satisfied with it. He wanted to become no.1. He wanted to beat Fang. That time, Fang was no.1 and Boboiboy no.2. Ranks kept on changing sometimes Boboiboy got no.1 and sometimes Fang. Nate always remained the 3rd.

Both Fang and Boboiboy were goodlooking and smart like him but on top of that they had superpowers. Thats what made them extraordinary.

Nate was kinda glad that Gopal wasn't that much popular like those two even though he had superpowers. He thought that maybe it was because he wasn't that goodlooking and smart.

"Please I beg you. Just lend me this one time" Nate pleaded. He hated it. It hurted his ego.

"You wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh" Gopal said and everyone bursted into laughter.

But that was Nate's last straw. He got so angry that he suddenly threw a punch at Boboiboy catching everyone off guard.

Nate kept on throwing punches at him but he defended them easily.
Boboiboy couldn't hurt him because he knew he would be in great trouble if he will do that.

"Shadow Hands!" Fang summoned the shadow hands and those hands gently threw Nate away from Boboiboy.

"Attack any of us ever again and I'll make sure that these shadow hands will choke you to death" Fang threatened and Nate quickly ran out of the class.

After few minutes, the class teacher entered the  class.

"What happened to Nate? Why was he running like that?" She asked.
"You know, nature calls" Fang replied and took his seat.

"Anyways, we have a new student with us. Please introduce yourself to the class." Teacher said and the new girl just stared at them before introducing herself.


With a heavy sigh I put on a smile on my face.

'you can do this, Y/N'

"My name is Y/N and I am 18 years old. Nice to meet you" I introduced myself.

"Y/N, you can sit on that empty seat next to Ivan." Teacher said and the boy mentioned raised his hands.

I nodded and sat next to him.

"Ok class, now open page no.46" Teacher ordered and started writing something on the board.

"Hey" I heard a whisper from my right. I turned my head to right and saw a guy warmly smiling at me.

"My name is Ray, nice to meet you" He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you too, Ray" I said with a smile. It was a genuine one.

"I hope we can become friends" He said and I nodded.
"Sure!" I replied making him smile even more widely.

The class ended in a blink of an eye. Well it was because I didn't paid any attention to the class and was talking to Ray the whole time.

"That was it for today. Don't forget to do your homework" Teacher said before leaving the class.

"Oops, we didn't even copied the notes" I said and chuckled.
"Guess we'll have to beg someone for it" Ray said.

"I can lend you mine" Ivan said to us.
And we just blankly stared at him before Ray trapped him in his arms.

"You're a life saviour!" Ray exclaimed.
"Ok! Ok! Now let me go! You're choking me!" Ivan shouted making me laugh.

'I am doing great. I made 2 friends on the very first day of school.'

A/N- great days won't last long though. Yup that's it for the first chapter see you guys in the other.

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