Chapter 16

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Boboiboy and I were heading towards his home since doctors refused to let us be at the hospital.
Boboiboy knew it would be better if we went to his home.

He knocked on the door revealing Ochobot who looked at him confusingly.

"Boboiboy? Weren't you going to spend the night with Y/N?" Ochobot asked.
"That's not how you should put it" Boboiboy replied while blushing in embarrassment.

"Boboiboy?" Tok came out of nowhere.
"Tok I need to talk to you about something" Boboiboy said but Tok refused.
"Not right now, it's too late you both should go to sleep. Whatever it is we'll talk about it in the morning" Tok said and pushed both of us near stairs signalling us to go to his room.

As soon as we entered the room Boboiboy took out an extra bedsheet and placed it on the floor.

"We don't have any extra rooms so you can sleep on the bed and I will on the floor" Boboiboy said but I refused.

"No it's your house let me sleep on the floor" I replied to which Boboiboy was really against.

"How about we both sleep on the bed? It's big enough for both of us" I insisted.
"You sure?" He asked and I nodded.

With that we both slept on the same bed. Our bodies facing each other but none of us dared to look in other's eyes. We just lied there like statues.

Suddenly Boboiboy fake coughed making me look at him. We made a sudden eye contact which made Boboiboy quickly look at the other direction.

"Do you... perhaps wanna cuddle?" Boboiboy asked with a faint blush on his cheeks.
With a shy smile I nodded and scooched closer to him.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me even closer.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked and I again nodded.

With a smile he leaned closer and nuzzled my neck. My breath hitched by this sudden contact but I loved this moment too.
With a small smile plastered on my lips I wrapped my arms around his torso and brought my face closer to his chest.
I could hear his heart beating rapidly which made me chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" He questioned.
"Nothing, just listening to your heartbeat" I simply replied.

"It's beating crazily, isn't it?" He asked and I nodded.
He took my hand and placed it on his chest.
"And it only happens when I'm with you" He confessed making me blush crazily. I hit his arm and burried my face in his chest which made him chuckle.

"Aww did I just rizz you up?" He asked with a sly smirk.
"Shut up and go to sleep" I said and turned to the other side only to get pulled closer by him.

Meanwhile Ochobot: Man did they forget that I am here too? Ugh! Lovebirds.


Author's POV

Tok looked at the clock and was waiting for his grandson to come since he said he wanted to talk to him about something. Tok couldn't help but be curious about what Boboiboy wanted to ask.

"Tok" Boboiboy and Y/N came downstairs.
"You both slept well?" Tok asked for which they both nodded.
"Yea I can confirm that they did" Ochobot mentioned.

"So what is it Boboiboy?" Tok asked.
Boboiboy and Y/N took a seat next to Tok.

"Tok... I want to call mom" As soon as those words came out of his mouth Tok's eyes widened.
"Why all of a sudden?" Tok asked.
"I just miss her and want to talk to her" Boboiboy replied.

"Come on Boboiboy, you do know how busy she is" Tok scolded.
"So busy that she can't spare some time for her son?" Boboiboy argued.

"Boboiboy you can't call her and that's the end of the discussion" Tok said and stood up.
"Are you hiding something from me Tok?" Boboiboy asked as Tok looked at anywhere else but him.

"Look at me Tok" Boboiboy said but Tok just left. I patted Boboiboy's shoulder to calm him down.

"It's fine Boboiboy. Your parents must be really busy. So are mine. I know we will find a way together" I said and kissed his cheek. I knew Boboiboy would feel better when I kiss him.

"Y/N" he called and I hummed in response.
"If I end up not making it I just want you to know that I love you.. truly love you" He confessed which made me freeze.

"Hey don't say it like that nothing will happen to you" I scolded.
"Yea" he said looking down at his feet making me sigh.

"Hey, how about I cook breakfast for you?" I suggested.
"You know how to cook?" Boboiboy asked.
"Not really well but I can make pancakes for you. Would you like to eat it?" I asked and he nodded with the biggest grin on his face.

As I entered the kitchen Boboiboy suddenly got a call from Adudu.

"Huh Adudu? Why did you call me?" Boboiboy asked in shock.

"We are in big trouble Boboiboy, really big trouble!"

A/N- It's almost midnight when I am writing this and I am half asleep so I am gonna post it without re checking so if it has any mistakes which I am sure there are kindly ignore.

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