what was that!

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Furrowing his brow, tharn laid to his stomach to then make a face has it started to hurt itself forward.
Tharn then couldn't help but to get up and quick to then run towards the bathroom to just hit his head against the wall.
He then moved back to look over it to then eye about.
Why am I in.....
Type turned his head has he was too his back, to then slowly get up to sign.
Tharn turned his head to look to him to then grit his teeth to rush to the bathroom.
Type signed to then get slowly up, to then go to his dresser to gather a shirt and boxers to then go to his kitchen to then gather a cup for water, to then go to the bathroom door to then knock upon it.
To his knees, tharn had his head in the toilet after all the alcohol he had consumed.
He then moved it out, to take the lid to then place his cheek against it to eye the back of the door.
"Mmm.... Type?"
Type signed.
"I have some water, my aspirins are in the medicine cabinet."
Tharn signed to then get slowly up has his stomach felt sick and his head hurt like hell, to then go and grab some to then go to the door to open to then grab the cup of water from types hand, to then close his eyes to then consume.
Type then stepped back to then wrap his arms about to eye over him.
Tharn took the cup from his mouth to then take in a deep inhale to open his eyes to look down.
"Kind of...."
Type then brought up his hand to hit tharn against his head.
Tharn moved his head forward a bit to then let the plastic cup slip through his fingers to have it hit the floor, to then place his hands to his head to then rub.
Type scoffed.
"Really! You came to my place after driving drunk! What the hell is wrong with you?"
Tharn moved his head up to keep rubbing his head.
"I.... Did?"
Types eyes widened.
"You said you weren't black out drunk!"
Tharn made a face to then look back down.
"I....... Don't remember that."
Type eyes widened to then turn.
"I have to go."
Tharn looked to him.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to find out where your car is, probably got into a huge accident! Can't believe you tharn!"
Tharn made a face to then look down to widen his eyes has he saw he was without any clothes.
He then rushed to type to wrap his arms about.
"Did we....."
Type rolled his eyes.
"That doesn't matter right now. I need to know where your car is, if you totalled it, if you killed anyone!"
Tharn made a face.
"I don't think I did any of that."
Type snapped his head to the side to look angerly at him.
"You don't know since you were blacked out drunk you fucking moron!"
Type then got out of the hold to go and get some pants on.
Tharn placed his hand to his forehead to start to try to remember but couldn't, he then turned his head to eye the side table to see his phone to then go to it.
He grabbed it to open to look through to then take in a deep relief breathe to then place his phone down to then go to type to grab his pants to then place to the side to then start to take him back to bed, type looked to him in surprise.
"Tharn! What the hell!"
Tharn brought them to the edge of the bed to keep his arms wrapped about him, to go to his ear.
"It's early, it's 3 in the morning."
Type kept his head turned.
"And! I don't want to hear on the news you....."
"I just looked through my phone type, I took a taxi here, see responsible, now let's go to sleep, I'm tired."
Types eyes narrowed to start to struggle.
"I don't care that your tired! You came to my place, blacked out drunk, talking about your brother and his friend! I don't understand why you...."
"Tora and clita ended there friendship, that's why I got drunk."
Type stopped thrashing to then turn his head to eye over him.
"Why would you do that if they...."
Tharn made a face to then place his chin to types shoulder to then look forward.
"I..... Really don't want to talk about it, can we please just go to sleep."
Type relaxed a bit has he heard sadness to tharns voice, he then turned his head to look forward then down.
"If......I don't put up much of a fight against this...... Can you please explain later?"
Tharn peered his eyes to type.
"Maybe...... Come on....."
Type rolled his eyes to let tharn move him down, for them to go to there sides, type kept his eyes to the wall to take in deep breathes.
Tharn had closed his eyes to groan a bit.
Type signed to furrow his brow.
"I can feel your...... Let go and move closer to the wall."
Tharn lightly chuckled to then move closer to type.
"Cant help it."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Yes you can. Let me go, move closer to the wall. Your hung over."
"A bit...... Maybe if we...... Wrestle..... I'll feel even better."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Or maybe, I should make you a giant meal with dripping hot eggs, to have it be a bit slimy and slippery for you to then....."
Type couldn't help to laugh has tharn let him go to then run to the bathroom to slam the door to then have his head in the toilet.
Type kept his eyes to the back of the door.
"You deserved that!"
Type then went to his back to then look to the ceiling.
Why would tora and clita not being friends anymore drive tharn to drink? I.... Just don't get it...... Guess need to....... Just be patient......
Type signed to then turn his head to widen his eyes.
Tharn came out with a huge erection to be breathing hard has he looked to him.
"That type, was not fair, I am not going to be that way with you!"
Type then moved up has tharn started to come near.

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