with the action comes trouble

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Waking a bit later, type and tharn both dressed, for type to go to his mother's room first to see was still to get bed asleep, to then go back to tharn to help him go out the front door.
To it, type kept it open to eye over tharn.
"Remember to text me when you get home."
Tharn turned to smile to nod.
"I will."
Type watched tharn go off to take in a deep breathe to then turn to close the door to widen his eyes to see his mother.
She narrowed her eyes.
"Type....." She said slowly.
Type signed to look down.
Walking slowly, tharn placed his hands to his pockets to then go home to kind of wish to be still with type.
Shrugging, he then got home, to then turn to close the door to wince.
Taking a hand up, he rubbed the back of his head to then turn to eye over his father.
"Where have you've been!"
Tharn took in a deep breathe.
"I..... Didn't want to.... Come home knowing..... She was here.....tora told me she wasn't going to leave until see saw me."
Tharn hung his head.
His father wrapped his arms about himself to look over him.
"That doesn't mean you can stay out all night and not call or text tharn, your only 10. Go to your room. You will be punished for this "
Tharn nodded to then go about his dad.
To his room, tharn closed the door to go to his bed to place his bag to the side to then get upon it to lay with his back to the bed to place his hands under his head to look to the ceiling.
Turning his head a bit he then watched has tora came in to then place himself to the door to eye over him.
"You..... Made our mother cry."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then look back to the ceiling.
"I told you tora I didn't want to come home if she was here. This really isn't my fault."
"Tharn..... Dad and mom were having...."
Tharn then got up to then sit to the edge of the bed to look to him.
"Tora, I don't want to talk about this. Whats done is done, please leave."
Tora signed to then turn to leave.
Tharn then got up to lock his door to then place his hand to his back pocket to then grab out his phone to go back to his bed to lay to his back to place the phone over his face to then text type.
Tharn: I'm alive but I'm trouble.
Type: same here.
Tharn looked to his phone confused to then get up to sit criss cross to have his head hung.
Tharn: how are you in trouble?
Type: my mom woke up after you left. Told her we were going to hang out but then something came up. Told her we were going to hang out in the house.
Tharn: why did you tell her that?
Type: you did spend the night. I deserve to have a consequence.
Tharn couldn't help to smile.
So trust worthy.
Tharn: what was your consequence?
Type: grounded for a week. Sadly that means I can't stay after school for that hour for us to wrestle.
Tharn: what about before school?
Type: not even then, my mom is going to be more..... It's just for a week.
Tharn made a face.
Tharn: don't think we can be friends then.
Type widened his eyes to part his lips to then start to text in anger he then stopped to read over another tharn message.
Tharn: just kidding. We still have a class together and lunch.
Types rolled his eyes to then clear the message to then start again.
Type: haha so funny.
Tharn then laughed silently to himself to then lay back down to have his legs bent.
Tharn: you got mad didn't you? Thought I was serious.
Type: for a moment...... Yes.
Tharn rolled his eyes.
Tharn: well no. Mm, this makes me think.
Type: that's a bad thing for you to do.
Tharn: haha funny. No, I was just thinking maybe we need to be mad then wrestle. Maybe then I can kick your butt.
Type laughed to himself to dart his eyes to the phone.
Type: you're never going to beat me tharn, need to give it up.
Tharn: you need to know I'm very stubborn and yes one day I will.
Looking up tharn heard a light knock.
Tharn: I have to go. Someone knocking to my door.
Type: be safe.
Tharn: maybe.
Type rolled his eyes to then place his phone to the side of him to look forward has he was too his room to take in a very deep breathe.
Placing his phone to the side he then got up to stand before the door.
"Tharn, open the door "
Tharn signed to then go closer to the door to open to then look over his father.
"Well, I think I have a good punishment for you. You're grounded for a week. That means no practice. I called your coach and he agrees with me this is a good punishment. Especially when you spent the night away."
Tharns face dropped.
"Dad! Come on!"
"No tharn. Your only 10, this was not okay."
Tharn watched his father turn to leave to then step back to then slam the door to then turn to place his back to it to slide down to look with anger to his phone.
I shouldn't have spent the night! Was suppose to come back home but... But...I don't want to have anything to do with that.....
Tharn then pulled his legs to his body to wrap his arms about to go into his own misery.
Taking in deep breathes he then got up to go to his bed to lay to his stomach to eye his phone to make a face to then grab to go to his back to then continue to text type, not to be mad at him, but to be mostly bad at himself.

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