the end to a friendship

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Taking in a deep breathe, clita couldn't help but to move his hand up and and down to then furrow his brow when he didn't feel anything, slowly opening his eyes, he Furrowed his brow to then move up.
Clita looked about a bit confused to then get up to move about searching for tora.
He then went to his bedroom to eye over his closed door.
Clita made a face to then place his hand to the nob to slowly and quietly turn to then peek his head inside to see toras back.
Mm, what are you doing in here?
Clita shrugged to then go forth to then go to the bed to snuggle up to him to go under the blanket to then drap his arm over to then he pushed quickly off.
Clita hit the floor and hard to his ass, he then placed his hand to his lower back to wince.
Tora sat to the edge of the bed to be breathing in and hard to look over clita, he was still slightly awake since he just went to his bedroom a bit prior.
Clita then looked up confused.
Tora took in a deep breathe.
"What do you think your doing clita!"
Clita gulped, tora never used a tone with him before.
Tora then wrapped his arms about to eye the ground.
"Let me guess...... Your bored! I'm so sick of it clita! I'm your friend, not your plaything!"
Clita parted his lips.
"Tora I don't see you has my plaything."
Tora then looked to clita.
"Well, that is what your making me feel. You need to stop...... Touching me! Friends don't do that!"
Clita took in a deep breathe to then look down.
"They..... Experiment.....I told you that."
Tora flexed his jaw.
"I don't want you to touch me! It's..... Sick!"
Clitas body started to shake his chin started to quiver, his heart started to sink.
What he didn't know was tora was talking about himself, about what he was too be feeling, he felt sick about it, espacially when there friends.
Clita then closed his eyes to take in deep breathes to then slowly stand, tora looked to him with a long face.
"I'm....... Going home...."
Toras lips parted to then look to his clock.
"Clita..... It's late, just go back to the....."
Clita shook his head.
"No! I'm going home!"
Clita turned to then go straight to the living room to find his shirt to then place on his pants to then go to his back pack to sling it over his shoulder.
Tora came to be right behind him.
" really don't need to go. It's very late and....."
Clita made a face has he had his hand to the door nob.
"I..... Can't be your friend anymore...."
Toras heart seemed to stop.
"What?" He asked taken aback.
Clita closed his eyes.
You need to tell tora you love him, that you want to be more then friends..... But.... But....
Clita then hung his head.
"We're...... No longer friends."
Clita then turned the nob to then start to open the door, tora went to the door to place his hand to it to shut to look over clitas back.
"What the hell are you talking about!"
Clita opened his eyes to look to toras hand to then move it to turn to fully eye.
"I have no interest in girls like you and my brothers, I'm..... Gay."
Tora took a step back to eye over him in shock.
"But.... But.... That doesn't mean we..... Can't be....."
Clita signed to look down.
"Like you said tora, I'm sick.......I....... Don't want to....... Were not friends anymore....."
Clita turned to try to go back to the door to then freeze.
"Clita! Just because you're gay doesn't mean we can't be friends! Let's talk about this!"
Clita shook his head.
"No...... I've made up my mind..... I'm.... Sorry...... For ever touching you."
Toras lips parted to then have his chin quiver has he saw clita leave, he then hung his head to have his legs buckled to then go to his knees to wrap his arms about himself to cry and hard.
To a taxi, clita had his back pack in front of him, to be holding onto it tightly to have his head turned to be taking in deep breathes holding everything back.
Going home, clita went slowly inside to go straight to his bed to press his forehead to his pillow to then weep into it and hard.
After a good cry, clita turned about to place his arms over his eyes to take in deep breathes has he couldn't seem to really breathe.
Calming down, clita removed his arms to place his hands to either side to his head to make a face.
I..... Didn't think.... When i..... I'm such.... Horrible person for what I was doing to tora, I never meant anything by it......I just love him so much....
Clita squeezed his eyes tightly shut has more tears started to stream down, he then turned to his side to look down to the ground.
You deserve all this pain and more, tora was nothing but a good friend to you and you...... Hurt him.....I could see that.....tora I am so sorry! I really am sick.....
To his bed, tora sat to the edge to have his phone to his ear to keep trying clita, tora darted his eyes to then get up to then throw his phone to the ground to watch it back to make a face.
He then placed his hands to his eyes to feel a large amount of pain in his heart.
"Clita! Damnit! I didn't want this! I didn't want us to not be friends anymore!"
Tora hung his head to let more tears come down, he really didn't know what to do at this moment.
Tora turned to then go sit to the edge of the bed to cup his hands together to eye.
I....... Can't believe this is happening and I don't know what to do.......I just really miss......clita.....

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