still unwilling to.....

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Sitting down criss cross, type darted his eyes has a few wrestlers were about to be done, he then was moved a bit to the side has tharn who was right next to him to elbow him in the arm to be looking right at them.
"I could take him down in an instant if that was me."
Type looked to tharn to then look back to take in a deep inhale to then move a bit away.
Tharn turned his head to eye to then roll them to look back with a face.
Ever since they kissed, type kept doing that, after a week it started to piss tharn off.
Looking up the coach called his name and another's for them to wrestle.
Type watched this to grit his teeth has he grew in jealousy.
Type wrapped his arms about to watch.
The coach didn't have the two wrestle anymore since they always tied, so type could understand but watching tharn with another wrestling about the mat irritated him to no end.
Looking to the clock, type could tell this would be there last match, he then got up to go to the locker room early.
Admitting to a move, tharn turned his head with a smile for what he did, to then have it disappear has he watched type walk away, he then rolled his eyes has the coach counted them out, to then move from then to end to the locker room.
Inside, type was to his locker to be already undressed from his uniform to be dressing in his other clothes, to then jump, he signed to turn his head to look to tharn narrowly.
"What the hell! I've told you to stop smacking my ass."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"You seem to like it when we'"
Type turned to place a hand over his mouth.
"That is when people are not around and when are not in school!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then lick types hand for him to then remove it to eye.
"Your such a kid sometimes."
Tharn shrugged to then turn to go to his locker to start to undress while type moved his palm to his pants to wipe off the saliva to get fully dressed.
"So why did you leave early?" Tharn Asked over his shoulder.
"Eh, ive seen you wrestle enough."
Tharn made a face to get dressed to then turn to go to type to then place a arm about his shoulder to go to his ear.
"So..... Today's Friday, my place or yours?"
Type darted his eyes.
"I picked up another shift."
Tharn moved his head back.
"That's not what I'm asking type."
Type signed to turn his head to look to tharn.
"Two shifts and I'm beat, let's just skip this one."
Tharn shook his head.
"We have a match on Sunday, this is going to happen, I'll pick you up then."
Tharn let him go to then leave, type turned to watch him to sign once more.
"Tharn..... We really can skip it this time."
Tharn shook his head.
"I'll pick you up."
Type watched him go to then turn his head to eye over the locker to then pick up his phone from his pocket too then place it to his ear to then ask his work for a second shift.
A bit later at work, type was to the tables to clean after the big rush to eye over them to then tense to jump a bit.
He then strightened up to turn his head to eye tharn who had a giant smile to his face.
"Tharn! Would you quit it!"
Tharn shook his head with an amusing smile to then mine up his hand which had a plastic bag to it.
"Know your done, picked up your favorite, let's go."
Type eyed the bag to then nod.
Going to tharns, the two sat to the ground before the table to be sitting criss cross to be looking to the television to be eating, tharn finished first to then go to type to place his mouth to his neck to start to leave kisses.
Type took in a deep breathe has he consumed his food, to then place it to the table to then take a hand to tharns body to push him back to eye over.
"Who says I was done eating?"
Tharn raised an eye brow to then peer his eyes down to then place a hand to types very evident hard on to then move his hand up and down.
"Believe this is saying you are."
Type gritted his teeth to then push tharn back to then look forward to dart his eyes.
Tharn looked over him.
"What crawled up your ass?"
Type flexed his jaw.
"We're....... It's suppose to be wrestling."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then pounce to get into a move.
Eventually, with struggling and thrashing, the two became naked to be too tharns bed to have type to his hands and knees, his hands were balled to the bed has he felt tharn ram himself in by the back, to have his hands to types waist to be gripping to then move a hand up to then smack his ass for type to moan even louder by the action has his head was moving up and down for it was hanging, tharn smiled.
Knew you liked it.
Tharn then Darted his eyes has he was wanting to do something, he then moved his hands to types body to move them about sensually to then move him up to continue to move one hand about, to then take his other to his neck to then turn his head to the side, type then brought up a hand to place it to tharns head to grip his hair for them to look directly to the other, to moan heavily.
Tharn Darted his eyes over type to then try to go in for a kiss for type to move his head back a few times, thanks eyes narrowed to then place his hand to his chin to keep him there to then take out his tongue to lick types bottom lip back and forth.
Types body melted by this action, he then placed his free hand to his cock to start to stroke, to become confused has to why he grew harder.
Tharn made a face has well when he felt his cock inside of type to grew harder has well with this action.
Tharn then tried to place his tongue in for type to then close his mouth.
Tharn moved his head back to eye him.
"Stop it!"
Type looked to him.
"Nn.... Stop....ah... What?"
"You know damn well what! Let me kiss you!"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Why do we have to kiss? Suppose to be keeping this....mmm....casual."
"You said we could, haven't since that one time, knock this off, or I'm going to pull out."
Type made a hard face to then squeeze his eyes tightly shut, he didn't want that to happen.
Tharn looked over type to then place his mouth to his to use his tongue to open his mouth for them to swirl there tongues about.
They both moaned heavily into this.
Type couldn't help but to move his ass and hard with this action to then cum all over his hand, for tharn to fill him up to then move them down to then go again.
Keeping his tired eyes open a bit after there second round, tharn looked to type to then bring up his hand to his head to play with his hair with a smile to then wrap his other arm about him has they laid to there sides to drift off to sleep with a already asleep type to his side, tharn was starting to really like this, for them to fall asleep together.

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