starting to grow in jealousy

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Monday, the two were sitting at lunch, to be across from the other, tharn was sitting by his friends to be talking and loud like normal, for type, he had his head hung, to be swirling about his food to the tray.
Tharn laughed to then turn his head to look over type to then kick at him under the table, type jumped a bit to then look up with a stare, his eyes then widened when he saw a girl go behind tharn to wrap her arms about him to then be at his ear, tharn nodded to listen to keep his eyes on type.
Types eyes Darted for him to sign a bit to then grab his tray to then get up to leave.
Tharn watched him go a bit confused.
Placing the tray to the trash, type then placed his hand to his pocket too then go forth to make a face.
Why am I feeling so angry for?
Type rolled his eyes has he continued forth, he then went to his locker to open to grab a book for his next class to then turn his head to see one of his regular girls..
She was beaming..
"Oh hi Mira."
She nodded to step closer.
"So...... Um.....I was wondering. Tonight can we....."
Before she could finish her sentence, she stepped back has she looked to type to see tharn with his arm wrapped to be smiling and laughing.
Slamming types locker, tharn then turned them about to then leave, type turned his head to look at her to then eye him.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to look over type.
"So..... Why have you've been so.....cranky?"
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head to look forward to come up with a lie.
"Well Sunday at the match, I almost didn't get in, I'm gaining weight."
Tharn stopped them to then eye type up and down .
"Where are you gaining weight twiggy?"
Type rolled his eyes to then go forth, tharn looked to him to then turn his head to still see Mira looking after them, tharn flexed his jaw to then go to type to wrap his hand to his wrist to then take them to the near by bathroom.
Inside type took his wrist back to then look to tharn.
"What are you doing?"
Tharn with his back to type, started to feel that jealousy emotion again, he then turned acting like nothing happened to then go to type to stand before him to then eye down to bring up his hands to then pinch and his stomach.
Type Furrowed his brow to then look down.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Well, trying to asses where you are fat, can't find anything."
Type placed his hands with the book to one to tharns chest to then push him back to then turn to start to leave .
"We don't have time for your games, class is about to start."
Tharn darted his eyes to then step to type.
Type widened his eyes has he felt tharns arms about him, to then turn his head to look.
Tharn kept his eyes to type to then place his hands palm down to his body to move them about, types lips parted to then look down to start to take in deep breathes.
"Today is Monday. Remember type, your rules, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, while we can hang out on the weekends."
Tharn then went to his ear to start to nibble.
Types whole body tensed for him to drop the book to then turn in there embrace to then push him back to eye over..
"Tharn! We're are not doing this at school. Jeez, stop thinking with your dick for a second. Also, I saw you talking to that girl, go do this with her."
Type made a pained face.
Tharn looked him over to then place his hands to types chest to then push him until the reached the wall, to then gather his hands into one above his head, to dart his eyes over him, to then take a free hand to the door to then lock to raise an eye brow.
"If I didn't know you better, I swear I could hear jealousy in your voice."
Type flexed his jaw.
"Why would I be!?"
Tharns eyes narrowed to then look down to shrug.
"Maybe because you have to share this cock with women."
Type raised an eye brow to move his head a bit closer, tharn then slowly looked up.
"Can say the exact same thing tharn, now let me go, don't want to be late for mmm!"
Quick, tharn placed his hand to types face to hold him there to then tilt his head to then place his mouth to his.
Types eyes went wide to then have them slowly close to then get into this, since Friday, he really wanted to kiss tharn again.
Furrowing his brow after a bit, he then tried to get out of this hold.
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to look over type to then take his mouth away to eye over him.
Type rolled his eyes.
"We're not doing this at school! Let go!"
Tharn moved his head closer to then close his eyes to then move his bottom lip back and forth to types.
"Even if, I let me?"
Types lips parted.
"Tharn....." He whined.
Tharn lightly chuckled, knowing he had type right where he wanted him.
A bit later after thrashing and struggling, type and tharn we're in the stall, tharn had his body to the wall, with his hands palm down to it to be moaning heavily, has type was behind him with his hands to his waist to be gripping to be thrusting his full speed to have his head hung to be overwhelmed by the pleasure.
"Ah god tharn! Your so....nn..... tight! I'm going to cum "
Tharn breathing heavily raised an eye brow to then turn in there embrace to then place type to the other wall to place his arm to his neck to pin him there to then ram himself inside to laugh a bit to go to his ear.
"Your very tight too! I said you can top, didn't say you could cum in me, like.... I' About to do....aah to you!"
Type placed his forehead to the wall to move his body with tharns for them to cum together.
Fixing themselves, type then looked up to tharn.
"What the hell was that!? Why couldn't you wait!"
Type then left the stall in a bit of anger.
Tharn watched him go to then look down to see his book to sign.
I..... Really don't know, why I.... Couldn't wait but...... Know we will be doing this again.... Later type......

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