becoming a bit distant

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Tilting his head back and forth, type looked to his math to then take in a deep breathe to then peer his eyes to tharn to make a face.
Type then looked forward to then kick at him.
Tharn looked to the action with a furrow brow to then look to type who then was eyeing him to mouth what did you get for number 4?
Tharn rolled his eyes to then take his leg to place it where type couldn't kick it to then get back to work type looked to him a bit in irritation to then sign to then look back to his work.
Since he left tharns place in the middle of the night he had been action like this all week, there two other wrestling activity was just that, then tharn would get up and leave.
Type then moved back to make a face to then look up has he been started to go off.
Type grabbed his paper to then go to the front to place it to the teachers desk to then turn his head to see tharn did the same to then leave, type watched him leave to then go and quick to him.
Type was to the side to look over tharn..
"Hey..... What did you end up putting down for number 4?"
Tharn shrugged to place his hands to his back pack straps to then go forth a bit quicker type watched this to then go even faster to him.
"Damnit tharn! Why are you being such a prick to me!?"
Tharn stopped to then eye over type.
"I'm being the prick? Really type?"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then go forth to his next class.
Type watched him go with his lips parted to then grit his teeth to hang his head to go to his class feeling very mad.
To his other class type sat to then sign has he looked to his desk, a girl who sat next to him with a big crush looked to him.
"Are you okay?"
Type shrugged.
"Apperently fighting with my best friend."
"Aw that sucks, I hate when that happens. Well..... Um......if you don't have any plans later would you like..... To..... Tonight?"
Type widened his eyes a bit to turn his head to look to her to remember today was Friday one of there "wrestling" nights.
Type flexed his jaw to take in a deep breathe.
"I'm not doing anything tonight want to meet at the arcade?"
The girl smiled and wide.
Type looked to her with a brief smile to then turn his head to look forward has class started to go to then shrug.
Nothing has been going on the last two times and tharn is being a jerk, maybe we need to take a break.
Type gritted his teeth when he didn't really like that fact.
After class, the day went by very quick for him to now be before his locker to be getting ready.
Tharn came about to eye type without clothes to take in a very deep breathe to then go to him to smack him to his ass, type jumped to turn his head to then place on the rest of his uniform to then roll his eyes to turn his head to then look down.
"Hate when you do that."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then place a finger to his hole through the clothes.
Type fully turned to then push him back.
"What the hell!?"
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh.
"Hate when I do that?"
Type flexed his jaw at tharns now playful attitude to then turn to close his locker, tharn then looked him up and down.
"So...... Are we going to your place tonight or mine?"
Type took in a very deep breathe to then turn to go about tharn.
Tharn turned to eye type confused to then go to him to wrap his hand to his wrist to stop him.
"What do you mean?"
Type hung his head to look down to then take his hand away.
"We..... Need to take a break. I'm.... Going out with a girl tonight."
Tharns lips parted to then watch type go off to then furrow his brow in anger to then grit his teeth to then go to his locker to get dressed very quickly.
To the arena, type was streaching his arms to then turn his head when he heard loud noises he then look tharn up and down has he stomped to him.
Type looked him over.
"You know what today is. Why in the hell did you make plans with a girl?"
Type darkly chuckled.
"Easily, your being a giant prick to me just because I'm following the rules, that is not fair tharn! So I want to take a break."
Type then started to go forward until tharn placed his hand to his wrist to stop him again to look him over.
"You can't go changing the rules to this, that is not fair! We have to agree to them."
Type turned his head to look to tharn.
"I can when I made them. Also you are not following. No sleep overs and you keep trying to...... Well you know. Now stop. I'm going on this date."
Type then took his wrist away to then go forward until he hit the mat to his stomach, then had pounced, type then manuvered himself about to then place his hands to tharns for them to struggle.
"You can't do that!"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Yes I can you asshole!"
Has the other classmates started to go about them to watch, the coach then came in to break them up to eye the two.
"Just stay away from me tharn!"
Type then turned to go.
Tharn took in deep breathes to then hang his head to look to the ground to roll his hands into fists to either side of himself to grit his teeth.
This is so not fucking fair! Why does he get to change the rules and we don't have to be agreeing to them! God damnit type! Your going to be going on a date with a girl well fine! I'm going to be fucking one then!
Tharn then turned to go straight to his bag that he placed to the bench to get into a one night stand in full announce.

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