party invite

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the day went on fine. pretty much normal. it was now recess & im standing in line to get my lunch when wendy walks up to me.

"hey girl, im throwing a party this weekend & i want you to come."
i was shocked, "really? id love to go!"
"cool, ill text you the details" & with that i gave her my number & got my food.

i sat at the table with kyle & the other guys. i  looked at kyle & smiled. he smiled back.  kenny then cleared his throat "so you guys going to Wendy's party?" everyone at the table, including me, answered yes.

then kenny looked straight at me & said "cant wait to see what you wear, y/n" & winked.  i rolled my eyes.

after school

it was finally home time & i was on the bus home. i had earphones in so hopefully no one would talk to me,  that hope was short lived sadly. it was of course kenny trying to talk to me, in response i turned my music up louder & thankfully he got the hint.

it was finally my stop, but also kyle, stan, kenny & cartmans. but thats okay. we got off the bus & i started my way back home. ugh i could not wait to get home.

i arrived home & went up to my room. i looked in my wardrobe to see if i had anything nice to wear to the party. i ended up choosing a crop top & some sweatpants. 

i wasnt even going to lie, i was a little excited for the party. ive never been to one before so i couldnt wait. wendy had texted me the details. it was being held at her house since  her parents were going away for the weekend.

i wanted to see who else was coming to i texted tweek.


hey, are you going to wendys party?

i might.. my parents want me to go out more so i think i will

cool! do you know if any of the others are going?

yeah, Craig, clyde, Tolkien, jimmy, all the boys are going.

okay thank youuu

so all the boys are going..

thatll be interesting.

i went to the kitchen for a snack until dinner. mum was out job searching or something. 

i was thinking of what to do to pass the time when butters messaged me asking to hang out. i said yes & that id be at his in 10.

i quickly put on different clothes then grabbed my phone, keys & put my shoes on then started my way to butters house.

when i got there butters let me in, & we went up to his room. "y/n, i wanted to ask you something"

"what is it butters?" he looked a little nervous. " the party, could i stay with you? party's arent really my thing & im just so nervous to go.."

i smiled "of course butters!"

he smiled back then suggested we play video games. we did that until his father told me it was time for me to go. i walked back home, made myself some dinner then watched my favourite netflix series.

after that i brushed my teeth then went to bed.

next chapter will be at the party since no one wants to hear the school days leading up to it lmao

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