confessions & love letters

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i woke up to my alarm.

the weekend was over...

why did it have to be so short..?

groaning, i got up & went to make breakfast. i had toast again, i was too lazy to make anything else. while i was eating i went back into my room to find something to wear. after i had found an outfit, i got dressed & did my usual morning routine.

i said bye to mum & made  my way to the bus stop. the four familiar faces came into view & i remembered what had happened that weekend..

i stood next to Kenny, "hey guys" i greeted. "hey y/n" kyle replied, cartman looked nervous. "you good dude?" i asked, he looked at me then looked away "of course i am pft why wouldn't i be" kyle glared at him "obviously cos you know she knows fatass" now it was cartmans turn to glare at kyle.

that went on until the bus came. i saw tweek on the bus & sat next to him, "hey tweek" he looked at me & smiled a little.  "hey ngh y/n!" i smiled back, he's cute..

am i falling for tweek?

i have no it too early? or is love at first sight real..?

mmm... nah i can think he's cute without falling for him.


we got to school & hopped off the bus. i was going to  my locker until someone stopped me.

"hey, whats up?"

it was clyde.

"oh hey clyde, was just on my way to my locker.." i said  looking to the side. "oh? well uh i just wanted to talk to you" weird... "uh okay.. what'd you wanna talk about....?" i asked him, looking him up & down with an eyebrow raised. "uh well, youre looking amazing today..& i just wanted to like you know.. get to know you" i was sceptical about this. "uh sure... but  why this out of the blue? you know class is about to start & i really need to be going..."

i pushed past him before he could say anything else & went to my locker. once i got there i opened it to get my books out but a bunch of letters fell out of my locker. confused, i picked one up & read it

dear y/n,

you are so beautiful, even though you haven't been here a full week yet, I think i love you.. i have so many amazing things to say about you, but they shall have to wait.

until next time, my love.

~your secret admirer

i looked around to see if anyone was around, no one.

i shrugged & put all the letters in my locker, saving them for later. im curious about who put it in there...where they all the same person? nah, probably different people...

still thinking about it, i made my way to class. my favourite class because thats where i met tweek.

i sat in my seat, next to tweek, & put my stuff down.  "dude, i need to tell you something" i said, gaining his attention. "what ngh is  it??" i pulled out the note i had read & gave it to him, "this was in my locker along with a bunch of others.  who do you think it could be from?" he read over it & my gaze did not leave him. when he finished reading it he handed it back to me, "gee y/n i uh dont ACK dont know.. whoever it is must like you a lot.." i nodded then changed the subject. "so tweek, how's your parents coffee shop? you should take me there" he perked up  "sure y/n! i can ngh take you there!! its going really well, my dads been trying..." i listened to him, hearing him talk was soothing because his voice sounded really nice..

i still couldn't get those letters out of my head. he knew something about them & i was not going to be left in the dark.

the bell rang for second period, i said goodbye to tweek & went to my next class. which i hadnt made any friends in yet..

i got to my class & took my seat, it was next to this kid who had a lisp. i was bored out of my mind & all I wanted to know was who wrote  those letters...

were they multiple people?


i was snapped out of my thoughts when the kid with the lisp spoke to me. "hey my names scott malkinson. i have diabetes." i looked at him, "oookayyyy... im uh y/n.." he smiled a bit & i smiled back to be nice.

he was a little weird but this was south park after all..

then an idea came to my head

"hey Scott" he looked at me, "yes?" i pulled one  of the letters out of my bag. "recognise this handwriting?" he looked it over for a while until he spoke up again, "well.. its pretty neat so I'd have to say maybe kyle...but im not sure"




what if kyle actually liked me

did tweek know?

is that why he didn't tell me..

what if tweek wrote it

or at least got someone to write it..

i was once again snapped out of my thoughts but this time by the recess bell.

i stood up & went to where Kyle's group sat.

i approached them, "one of yous has some questions to answer" they all looked a little worried.

especially cartman.

i pulled the letter out of my bag, "which one of yous wrote this?"

they stared at it.

stan looked confused

kenny just stared at me

cartman looked like he was about to shit himself


well kyle looked mortified.

"well?? i want an answer.."

stan was about to speak until kyle did.

"it was- it was me.." i nodded, & motioned for him to follow me.

i lead him somewhere i knew we werent gonna be interpreted, since I had many questions for him.

"kyle.. why'd you write this letter?"

he looked at the ground, " be honest y/n.. since you came here i-i honestly haven't been able to get you out of my head...its been a long time since I've felt like this &  i  was just too nervous to tell you face to face, since you've been here for a few days..

ive never had the best luck with  girls..thats why i wrote an anonymous letter... its okay if you dont like me back or havent decided yet, i can live with that! please dont think of me differently..."

"kyle look at me."

he lifted his head, i could see his beautiful green eyes & his adorable face.

i sigh  "kyle, this letter is really sweet.. but i think i need time...i mean i just found out two boys like me. what if the rest do? what'll i do then!? i dont think of you differently & whatever happens, we'll still be friends right?"

he smiled

"of course."

sorry that took forever 😫 i have a flu rn & lowk dying😖😭

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