cartman has feelings??

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after i had gotten home i decided to have a nap. it was one of those naps, you know when you get lines on you. it was a good nap. anyway, i woke up & it was around 4 pm, my phone had a TON of messages. some from the group, others private messaging me. one that stood out was cartmans..

do NOT believe what anyone tells you, theyre lying i swear!!!

what the fuck- confused, i opened insta & went to the group chat. it was active so they all immediately noticed me.

craig: ayo, y/n is here

clyde: she can answer us now!!

kenny: y/nnnn i missed youuu

butters: fellas, chill out.. she probably doesnt know what's happening..

whyd it have to happen when i was napping...

can y'all tell me what is going on.

kyle: y/n! the fat boy likes you!

okay. NOT what i was expecting.

THE eric cartman..  LIKES ME?!


craig: its tru

stan: yeh he said it after i dropped you off. he called me & told  me then i told kyle then he told kenny & well yeh...


that makes sense i guess.

but still.

cartman then entered the chat


honestly. i didn't know what to think or believe. i hadnt even been here a full week!

i turned off my phone & decided to not answer any more messages.

i dont care if he likes me. he can like who he wants..

its not like i like him.

i dont even KNOW who i like.

i went downstairs to get some water & hopefully clear my mind.. mum wasn't home so i had the whole house to myself. i was a little hungry so i thought why not & make some two minute noodles.

i was eating my noodles while watching my favourite youtuber when i heard a knock at the door. confused, i got up to answer it. only stan knew where i lived..

i opened the door & there stood stan, with everyone from the group chat. "oh uh.. hi, what a nice surprise..." i said staring at each of them. "hey y/n. sorry, you werent answering so we thought we'd check on you." kyle spoke up, how nice of them..

i let them in & we were now in the lounge room. i decided now would be when i get my answers. "alright. listen up. ive got questions that need answers. & you will answer them, no matter what." i heard an assortment of 'yeah' & 'alright'. "first of all. is it true eric likes me?" kyle was the first to answer, "yes y/n its true" i hummed. "alright. second of all. do any of you know why"  they all looked at each other until stan spoke up.

"um he said something about you being so pretty & kind. something like that, sorry he was talking really fast on the phone..." i nodded slowly.

so he really did like me.


wasnt aware he was capable of feelings.

but i guess everyone is..

"what do you think of him" craig asked.

i stared at him. lost for words.

what did i think of him..?

"well, he's an asshole. so i think of him pretty much the same as you all."

partial lie. he was a little attractive. but he was still an asshole. so im just gonna leave it at that.

pretty much everyone agreed, kyle looked ecstatic. "y/n you don't have to like him back you know, he's bad news. trust us." i nodded & took into account what he said.

he's bad news.

i havent heard a lot from when they were kids, just some random things tweek told me. but now i was curious.

"if you dont mind, what did he do?"

they all started telling me everything he's done since they were young.

damn. didnt realise he was a bad kid.

from what i heard he broke a few laws. but they all had so yeah.. once they finished i just stood there.


was all i could say.

"yeah anyways we should get going, see you monday." stan said i nodded & waved goodbye. once they left i just went to my room to think about what happened today.

first i  met stans parents. i beat them all at Mario kart. we had lunch. i had a great nap. cartman likes me. he denies it. they came to my house without cartman. they told me everything cartman has done.

alright..i didnt really feel like dinner since i ate noodles before, so i just changed into different clothes & layed in bed. trying to fall asleep.

i couldnt.

my thoughts were running wild.

stupid brain.

after an hour of tossing & turning i decided to put youtube on in the background. white noise helps me fall asleep..

it worked, a few minutes later, I was back asleep.

this chapter is shorter than i usually write but i hope you enjoy anyway. i was also thinking [to add to the list of drafts i already have] if you guys would like me to write separate stories for each character. pls lmk in the cmmnts :)

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