meeting the marsh family

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after my hang out with butters i started to go home. today was alright if you dont count my major anxiety.. at least i made friends right?

while i was on my way home, i got a message from stan.


hey, y/n.  you wanna come over & hang with the boys & i tomorrow?

sure!! at your house?

yup, ill send you my address. be here around 10 am.

he sent his address as i arrived home, it was around 5 pm when i returned. I'd be eating dinner in about an hour.. i went up to my room & shut my door. i took off my shoes & changed into some comfy clothes, the layed on my bed & scrolled through Instagram. halfway through my scrolling, the group chat became active & i got spammed with messages.

kewl kids

kenny: today totally sucked  but having y/n made it better ;)

craig: i agree

tweek: she's really nice & understands me so well! i like her

cartman: simps

kyle: shut up fat boy, y/n  would never like you

cartman: what makes you think she'd like you, jew boy!!

guys stop fighting

kyle: sorry y/n

cartman: im not sorry.

butters: hey y/n! i had fun today

me too butters!

then the group spammed with people asking what we did, which was just hang out of course. kenny thought we did it.

"y/n! dinner!"


i made my way downstairs & sat at the table with mum. "so how was your day?"
"it was okay.. i made lots of new friends though! this one kid tweek, I'd consider him a best friend since we get along so well. oh  & this group of boys i kinda made friends with. they're cool except one.. one of them invited me over tomorrow!" mum smiled at me, "thats great honey" i smiled & continued to eat my food.

after i finished i put my dirty dishes away & went back to my room. i was kinda tired so i thought I'd get ready for bed. i did my nightly routine & hopped into bed. i put my phone on charge then messaged stan to confirm tomorrow's hang out.

after i went to sleep.

next day

i  woke up & rubbed my eyes. looking at my phone the time was 9 am, i  had an hour to get ready. i got up & went downstairs to make some toast. after it was made i went back into my room. while eating i went onto youtube to watch something,  a little while later i finished eating & started to get ready. i put on some warm clothes & did my hair  [imagine whatever hairstyle you want, i have fairly short hair so usually i brush it & call it a day lmao] then put my shoes on & headed downstairs. the time was 9:40 so i said bye to my mum & made my way  to stans house.

once i got there, i knocked on his door. i heard footsteps making their way to the door, they opened the door & I saw i male with black hair & a blue shirt. that must be his dad.

"hello, how can i help you?" he asked "i um im here for stan.." he looked behind his shoulder & yelled "STAN! STAAANN!! A GIRL IS HERE FOR YOU!" he moved out of the way to let me in. i thanked him & went inside.

i learnt that his name is randy. he was a little odd.. but oh well. then a woman with short brown hair came downstairs "randy stop shouting in the house. we dont need to hear your voice this early- oh, who's this?" she looked at me, "this is y/n sharon. she's a friend of stans" he answered for me. so her name is sharon huh.

i walked up to her "nice to meet you mrs marsh, stan invited me over today." she smiled "nice to meet you too dear. stan will be out in a minute" then she turned back to randy "go upstairs & see if shelley is up." he groaned "why cant you do it. shelley is scaring when she gets woken up.." sharon rolled her eyes & pushed him up the stairs.

im guessing Shelley is stans sister... "y/n, dear, you can sit on the couch until stan comes down. would you like anything?" she was so nice.. "no thank you mrs marsh, thank you for offering" she smiled & said that she could call for her if i needed anything. about a minute later, stan came down. "hey y/n sorry i kinda just woke up" he rubbed the back of his neck, "the others will be here soon" he sat next to me "thats okay Stan." i looked at my legs & he spoke up again, "so uh.. you meet my dad huh" i nodded "what- what'd you think of him?" what did i think of randy...hmm..

"well, he's interesting to say the least.." he nodded in understanding & groaned "i am so sorry about him. i hope he didnt weird you out too much.." i waved him off "nah its alright man, dont worry about it"

we continued talking for a while until someone knocked on the door. stan got up & answered it, "hey guys, come in". once kenny saw me he said "oh? y/n? didnt know a cutie like you would be here~" i rolled my eyes. he sat next to me & put a hand around my shoulder. "ay! kinny is gonna get poor germs all over the bitch" i heard cartman shout. "shut up fatass" kyle yelled back. that went back & forth until stan suggested we play video games.

after wiping the floor with everyone in mario kart, we decided to go out for some food.

"geez how are you so good at Mario kart?" i heard cartman groan. i shrugged "practice" he started grumbling about how i was cheating or whatever. he was just jealous that im better than him at Mario kart.

we went to a diner & sat  down at an empty booth & looked at our menus. kenny was to one side of me, kyle to the other then cartman & stan sat together. we ordered then made conversation while waiting.

kenny nudged me "how you likin it here?" i shrugged "its alright.. i miss my old home though..." he nodded, stan spoke up "oh yeh, where'd you come from? you have an accent" [since it's obvious by my user, im aussie so im making y/n Australian too. though you can just replace it with a different country if you want] i looked at him, of course he would say that. everyone does. "um Australia..." they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"how did you survive with all those dangerous animals?"
"is it true you ride kangaroos to school?"
"have you eaten kangaroo??"
"whyd you come here?" 

i raised a hand to quiet them. "first of all, we barely see most of the  animals & if you don't bother them they wont hurt you. secondly we dont ride kangaroos & yes i have eaten kangaroo [true story, ive eaten kangaroo & crocodile] & i came here cos my mum wanted a fresh start or whatever.."

they all looked so interested, even cartman. & kept asking me questions to which i answered. then our food came & i told them i wanted to focus on eating so they stopped with the questions.

after we were done stan wanted to walk me home even though it was that late, like 1 pm.. but anyway i accepted. "sorry if we bombarded you with questions, we were just curious"  he looked at the ground, "its okay stan, i understand"  he smiled at me. we got to my house & said our goodbyes. i entered & went up to my room. slightly exhausted after today.

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