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We got on the plane and he was looking around in awe.

"We're gonna get you a shower okay?"

"Um, can I have warm water?" He looked down

I went over to him bending down "Of course you can?" I stood up offering my hand "Come on"

After I got him all cleaned up, which was a bit of a hassle. He was standoffish at first which was understanding. He had so many bruises on his body I couldn't even look at him. I went into our room and went into the closet grabbing him one of Raphael's shirts and my leggings.

Sorry, we don't have boy clothes just laying around.

He was asleep on my lap and started sweating really bad. I pulled some of his hair out of his face and he was mumbling incoherent words.

"Hey" I started to rub his back to wake him up. He popped up looking around. I grabbed his cheeks "It's okay. You're not there anymore"

He nodded his head taking a deep breath "I'm sorry"

"It's nothing to be sorry about" I rubbed his back then pressed the button for the attendant and she came right out.

"Yes, Mrs.Guerrero?"

"Can we get him something to eat? Just anything"

"Yes ma'am"

A few minutes later she came with a tray of different foods. His eyes looked like they were gonna pop out.

"I-I can have this?" He said looking back and forth between me and the food.

"Well not this" I took the eggs watermelon and cranberry juice "That's mine, but the rest is yours"

He jumped in my lap giving me a hug "You're the best!"

"I wouldn't say that," I said chuckling

"I would!" He said grabbing the food and stuffing his mouth.

What the hell did they do to him?

"Check him for chips. Just to be sure. Check him for everything. He has bruising on his stomach and rib area, some on his legs and groin area"

"Yes boss," The nurse said walking away

"Where did you find him?" Tyler asked me

"He was outside in the hallway. Asked me if I was going to kill him"

"What the fuck?"

"Can you do a facial recognition on him? The boy doesn't even know his name or exactly how old he is."

He texted Kellis "I need to send her a picture of him to get started"

I walked towards the door and gently knocked on it I came in and I saw the nurse wrapping his ribs up.

"Sapphire!" He smiled when he saw me. "Look!" He pointed to the ace bandage.

"Hey honeymoons" I don't know where the hell that came from.

Tyler looked at me "Honeymoons?"

"I don't fucking know it just popped up" I looked back at honeymoons "We're gonna take a picture of you okay?"

He started screaming and fighting the nurse screaming "No! Please Sapphire no!"

I walked over to him moving the nurse out the way and grabbing his hands "Hey, hey honeymoons look at me. Calm down. It's okay" I held his face gently "You're okay"

Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3. Unedited.)Where stories live. Discover now