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I was standing looking at the Monte Carlo. She was obviously running from something or somebody. I opened the door and saw the cut-up ID. I shook my head and picked up the pieces putting them in my pocket and made a note to throw them away later.

I sighed shaking my head "If you're going to do it, do it right"

I thought back to the information we found on her. Nobody and I mean nobody has hundreds of identities. I don't care what you do.

And even if you did. Why run? I was curious, what happened to make her run?

Matt was calling "You got something for me?"

"Yeah, boss the whole fucking thing just self-destructed. Me and Tyler barely got out in time, the whole damn flat exploded"

I started laughing "Shut the fuck up"

"Boss I think we should just leave her alone. She doesn't want to be found" Tyler said jumping on the phone.

Shit, this made me want her even more.

She was a fucking psychopath.

She was involved in something messy and I wanted in.

"You know what gets Kellis on it. She has a brain unlike you two idiots" I hung up the phone and got back in my own car.

I sat in the car for about an hour before Kelli's called.

"What you got for me?"

"I got her boss. She's a high-tech chick."

"How'd you get her?"

"I ran some IP addresses and it was one constantly changing every ten minutes. Obviously, that's sus. It took a while for me to track it, but she's currently headed towards New Jersey in a 2005 red Malibu."

I smiled "Thanks, Kellis. You're the best"


I crossed the bridge and paid the toll. I stopped and got something to eat then drove around looking for hotels. As I was looking for hotels, I noticed a black car had been following me from a distance. I decided to drive around a bit to see if I was just being paranoid.

I wasn't

They stayed 3 cars behind me for about an hour.

I pulled into a bar and they parked across the street.

I sat in the bar for about an hour when I noticed they never came in, so I did something fun.

I grabbed the first drunk guy I saw and pulled him into the ally with me.

I started kissing him till I saw the three guys come up, they looked like they were about to say something but I didn't have time for talking. I pulled my gun out my waistband and shot them in the head.

The guy started screaming so I shot him too.

I drove my car into the ally and threw the four bodies in the truck.

Five bodies to get rid of.

Fuck I needed a spa day.

I drove out to a farm and carefully started cutting them up and throwing the pieces over the fence for the hog pigs.

Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3. Unedited.)Where stories live. Discover now