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I walked into the armory with Raphael. My mom was draped over Yegors lap laughing about something. Yegor was whispering something in her ear and she pushed him away laughing. It was nice seeing my mom like this. She looked happy and carefree. She was glowing and she looked..Loved.

"They can be cuddled up but we can't?" He whispered to me.

"Well I was tryna fuck and suck you, so I think that's a little different" I whispered to him

"That is true"

I pulled my tablet out "So I got a location on Nick"

"It's Nick now?" Raphael said

I shrugged "I got a daddy that takes good care of me, don't you think"

Raphael smirked at me and was about to say something. "The location girl focus," my mom said clapping her hands at me.

"He's in New York"


"New York?" Yegor jumped up

Starlight grabbed his hand "Calm down baby it might not even be-"

Yegor looked at me "Call them and get them out of there now!" He yelled

I grabbed my phone and called Dominic.

"Hello?" his gruff voice came through.

I heard the baby in the background laughing and Athena making noises.

"You need to get Athena's family out of New York. Right now"

"Shit, Athena grab our babies stuff, call your mom and dad tell them to meet us at the airport with the boys"

"Dominic what's going on-"

"Just fucking go, Athena!"

"Calm down Dom. We don't know if anybody is in trouble. Yegor's just taking precautions. Get your family and get out of the country. I'll let you know when to come back" I looked at Yegor and he looked distraught "I'll call Vladlan to make sure"


I called Vladlan but he didn't answer. I called him again and he still didn't answer. "I fucking hate Russians"

I called him again and he answered the phone breathing heavily "What the fuck do you want Raphael?"

I put the phone on speaker so Yegor could hear them.

I felt sorry for Yegor. To have family but staying away from them so they can be safe. His nephews don't even know about him. Yegor's brother and wife died in a car crash that was Mafia related. To hurt Yegor. And it worked. I know it was hard for him to have family and can't watch them grow up or watch their family grow.

I started laughing "Wife keeping you busy eh?"

"Fuck do you want?"

"I need you to get the boys and Selene packed up, Vladimir and his family too. Meet Dom and Athena at the Airport and get out of the country until I give you the okay."

"Alright, do I need to know anything?" He asked.

"No, just leave"

"Alright, let me know when we can come back"

"I will"

I hung up the phone and Yegor smiled. "Strong men. Like me" Starlight was rubbing his back "Athena had baby?" He asked

I nodded my head and showed him a picture "She was pregnant at the wedding. A beautiful little girl named Bia Athens Lebedev-Redwood"

"Baby Bia" He smiled looking at the picture of his great-grandniece "And she takes last name?"

I nodded my head "Athena would not give up that last name. She loves it. Vladlan loves her something terrible. Almost killed Dominic when he found out he got her pregnant"

"Almost?" Yegor shook his head "He should kill. Kill good. Kill dead"

I started laughing "Athena would have never forgiven him. I'm just glad it worked out. I mean dating your dad's best friend can get messy"

Starlights eyes went wide and Yegor started laughing "She real Lebedev. Take risk. No care" he said proudly smiling.

Sapphire cleared her throat "I uh, so he's in New York. I had a word put in that Li had sold some of the stolen shits from the Chinese to Nick. He won't even be in New York for a full day"

Yegor pointed at her and smiled "Good, good"

"Yegor can I talk to you for a minute? Outside?" I asked him and he nodded his head.


I watched Yegor and Raphael walk out, but not before they gave the both of us kisses.

"I like him," I said to my mom "I can see you're really happy"

"I am" she smiled "Never been happier. That man will kill the world for me" she pointed at the door "And I'll let him, except for you of course"

"And Raphael?"

She raised an eyebrow at me "Ooo shit, you really do love him huh"

"You heard that?" I said smiling

"I'm a mom, I hear everything" I started laughing "I see you still got that tablet I got you"

"Of course. It was the only thing that I had from you"

She got up hugging me "I can't believe you're here"

"I can't believe you're here" I said chuckling and crying

My phone started ringing and I seen it was Tyler "What's up?"

"Words spread that Nick is gonna attack, I'm not sure when or where or who"

"Then move, but keep the lights on. I'll let Raphael and my mom know"

"Alright boss lady"

"How's Kellis?"

"She's good. We found out she's only 6 weeks in."

"Good, well be home in a few days max"

"See you guys then"

I hung up and looked at my mom "We should move Nick is planning an attack and we don't know where or when or who."

"Then let's go"

I called Raphael "Hello mi pequeña descarada"

"Hey, we're moving. Tyler just texted me saying Nick is planning an attack so get here"

"Yes ma'am"

"Countess. You're gonna pay for that" I said smiling

"Yes Countess" He chuckled.

I heard Yegor laughing in the background and Raphael telling him to shut the fuck up.

"Alright I'll see you in a bit"

Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3. Unedited.)Where stories live. Discover now