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That was a woman. I thought to myself. A real woman. Usually, I didn't go for the outspoken and in your face type of woman, but damn it I wanted her.

I needed a submissive and clearly, she wasn't that, but I could make her one. I had to get rid of Melissa first though. I just needed a few more things from her then she could drown for all I care.

I thought back to the dancer, she was reading me the whole time she was dancing. Quietly watching me out the corner of her eye.

I don't know why I said I was in construction. It was the first thing that popped into my head. She was so fucking sexy I couldn't think straight.

Tyler was telling me about her the past few days. How she was his new favorite stripper.

He's lucky Kellis didn't know about his new fascination. She would've killed him by now.

But he finally talked me into going yesterday and damn it he was right. Which I don't say often.

That was a woman.

"You think she knows?" Tyler said, "About you?"

I shook my head "Nah, she would've said something"

He scoffed "Like what? 'Hey I know you're mob boss thanks for the tip'" he said in a girly voice.

"A woman like her? Yeah, she would've said something."

My phone started ringing and it was my rat.

"hablar (speak)"

"Actualmente está en Londres buscando a su hija. Roger está al mando. Ellos aun no saben (He's in London at the moment looking for his daughter. Roger is in command. They still don't know)

"Planta algo y hazlo rápido. con él fuera del país es el momento perfecto." (Plant something and do it fast. With him out of the country is the perfect time)

"si jefe"

"dar algunos sospechosos bien" (Give a few suspects okay)

I hung up the phone and sat back on the couch. "He has a shipment coming up. Send word that we left. We came through checking a few businesses" I said to Tyler.

Tyler nodded his head quickly texting away on his phone. "That'll keep him busy." Tyler put his phone away "whatever happened to his daughter anyway?"

"She left after her mother died. Been on the run ever since. Nobody can find her" I answered him.

Tyler shook his head "Do you know how smart you have to be to be on the run from the mafia for four whole years?" He said amazed.

"Or dumb," I said


God that was so dumb!

Stupid stupid stupid.

I let my fucking ego get the best of me. I have to leave tonight. I can't afford to stay another day, not with him still in town.

I went to Mikey and he handed me my bin. It was full of cash.

"60 your cut," He said out of breath "Took me forever to count that shit."

"What the fuck" I grabbed a bag and put the money in a bag. I shook my head "Thanks, Mikey. See you tomorrow"

"Aight Candy, be safe."

"I will, you too"

I got in my car and started driving straight toward manhattan. It didn't take me long to get there and I found a little three-star hotel that was decent enough to stay in until I found a new club to work at.

No big hotels, no five-star hotels. Those always belong to somebody you know and shouldn't need to know.

I threw out my old contacts and destroyed my phone, throwing it into the river.

I bought a cheap little flip phone because, why not?

Once I got settled into the hotel, I got myself some Chinese and took a shower turning on the tv.

I wish my mom was here.

Whenever my dad would go on his crazy rampages we would lock ourselves in my room and binge watch movies, eat snacks and just lay in bed together.

I pulled my tablet out and changed a few of my factory settings, making it automatically change the IP address just Incase.

I saw my dad was still in London. I watched it for a few hours till I noticed it was moving.

Why the fuck is he leaving? He should've stayed there at least three days looking for me, he's always throughal with his searches. Never leaving a stone unturned.

It must have something to do with work, I'm sure he's going to leave men in London regardless.

I paused thinking about other reasons why he would leave.

Somebody let him know Raphael is in town. Okay, okay. I can work with this.

I stared at my screen for a few moments. Two days from now I'll change locations then deactivate it for a few weeks.

Riley, the tech guy who works for my dad. Well, he isn't the best tech guy in the country. He's easy to manipulate. So easy.

I called the girls I had playing me. We looked similar but with me changing my hair up so much they wouldn't notice. Plus I made sure to always pick a different busy flower shop.

I let them know to stop going until I told them to do so. They would still get their money.

I gave them 2 grand each. Sometimes I sent it in cash with a fake name and address and sometimes I sent it through Roger's account.

He had so much money, 6 grand going missing every now and then he wouldn't notice.

Plus if my dad ever caught on. The blame would be put on Roger. And I made sure the girls knew what to say if anything was to go down.

After I had go everything in order I turned off my tablet and went to sleep.


"So you're telling me, somebody stole the whole got damn shipment!" I yelled on the phone

I rubbed my hand across my face.

Only five people knew about that shipment, and they were all close to me.

But keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

So I need to do some rearranging.

A fucking rat.

First sapphire then Raphael now the fucking shipment.

Hunter, the guy I told to tell me why the fuck was Raphael here was calling me. He was a lower man. Didn't do much. Been working for me for a few years.

I found him running from the cops when a bag of coke fell out of his pocket.

It was a very bad coke.

The kid looked homeless.

"Sir Raphael was here to handle some American business. It's said that he went back to Mexico. Quick in and out"

"Good job hunter. Call me if you find anything else out"

"Thank you sir, I definitely will"

I didn't even get to fully check to see if Sapphire was in London. A few sightings but nothing major. I'll make sure to leave a few men there to look. Once I get finished with this ill go through and look myself.

Don't worry Sapphire daddy's getting closer.

Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3. Unedited.)Where stories live. Discover now