"Hey." Mokuba said, offering a bright smile that made Luna feel even more sorry. "Thanks for keeping my brother safe."

"We kept each other safe. I'm glad you and Jaden are okay. Anything happen while we were separated?" Luna asked, wondering if they had seen Tea and Mai.

"Uh- About that." Mokuba suddenly looked worried as he glanced at Seto and then to Luna. "I have to tell you guys something."

"What are you doing here, Noah!" Seto suddenly yelled as the three heads of his dragon started charging up light energy in their mouths.

Luna followed his eyes to see that on the back of the Five-Headed Dragon, indeed the green haired boy sat with an uncharacteristically disheveled hair and clothes.

"Wait, Seto! He's with us!" Mokuba said as he got between Seto's dragon and Noah's dragon.

Luna suddenly realized what Mokuba had meant when she had attacked the dragon herself.

"He cannot be trusted, Mokuba." Luna said as anger flared inside of her. "He's the reason Marik and Joey are gone!"

"Would you really attack a helpless kid?" Noah asked, raising an arm that ended in a bloody wrapped stump instead of a hand. Despite this, he still sounded very conceited. It made Luna clench her fists.

How dare he act like that after having murdered my friends?

"You are not a kid, Noah." Seto said, still charging the attack of his dragon despite Mokuba being in the way. "You are just a malfunctioning AI that must be deleted."

"The power of the god cards apparently was able to give him a physical body like it did with our monsters." Jaden offered the explanation as he approached the group as well. "For what is worth, he is a hurt and confused boy. He was used by the other bad guys, just like you said Marik was."

"He's the reason, Marik is dead!" Luna yelled as she felt her heart beating faster as anger seeped deeper through her veins.

"I didn't kill anyone on top of that building!" Noah defended himself, sounding almost- scared? "I just wanted to have my body back again and I had achieved that! Why would I go out of my way to kill some guy that didn't even matter to me? And look! Dartz tried to have me killed too!"

Luna couldn't help but remember that in her anger, she had ordered her dancers to cut him down and wondered if his missing hand had been due to that order.

"What do you think, Luna?" Seto asked, looking towards her with the same expression he had when he had approached Mokuba. "I will go with whatever you decide."

Luna noticed that Jaden had and eyebrow raised as he looked from Seto to Luna.

"Do you trust him, Mokes?" She asked while forcibly taking longer breaths to slow down her heart while trying to hold her anger at bay.

"I do!" Mokuba said so earnestly that Luna had wanted to reach out and give him a hug. "He's a Kaiba after all. We might be blunt and cross some lines from time to time. But in the end, we do what is right!"

Luna impulsively looked towards Seto and nodded as she knew it to be true. Seto, in turn, stopped the charging of his dragon's attack and smiled back at Luna.

"Did you guys bang?" Jaden suddenly asked, ruining the mood.

"I promise that I won't break Mokuba's trust." Noah promised, seemingly ignoring Jaden, perhaps he was a Kaiba after all. "All I wanted was to have brothers. And Mokuba showed me that we are just that. He saved me despite his own life being in danger as my Tower was crumbling."

My Time in Battle City [Tales of Luna, Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now