Not So Hidden

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Aizawa Pov-

I hear shinso yelp after I grab his arm with my scarf so I pull him closer to me so that I can see what has been bothering him and when I lift his sleeve I am surprised. There are cuts all over his arm.  

Shinso Pov-  

Before I could grab my arms away Aizawa pulled me towards him and rolled up my long sleeves to find scars scattered all over my arms. some were deeper than others were. When he saw all of the cuts he seemed scared and concerned for me. He seemed like he wasn't sure what to do but that he had to do something. honestly, I hope he just leaves it alone but I doubt he will since he is a teacher although maybe he will just realize that I'm not good enough to be concerned about. Before I could think anymore Aiwzawa pulled me by my hands towards the school building. He was making sure not to hurt any of my cuts. He led me through the school until we reach a room with a huge door that read 1A. "Oh, he must have brought me here to talk about my injuries." I think to myself. Suddenly he dragged Me through the door of his classroom and threw me into a seat at the front of the classroom. He brought up a seat from a surrounding seat and laid it in front of me and then sat in it staring me directly in the eyes. 

Aizawa Pov- 

After I saw all of the scars on his arms I knew that they were self-inflicted. He must have cut himself, but why? Why would he have done that to himself? I am not sure why he did what he did but I do know that I must get answers. I decide to force the answers to my questions out of him so I drag him back to my classroom since my students are training with All might right now. When we get back to the room I place Shinso in a seat and sit directly in front of me so he has to look me in the eyes. We sit like that for a moment before I decide what I want to say. "So those cuts on your arm are self-inflicted right?' I ask the sleepy-looking boy in front of me. He just looks up at me for a moment before looking down ashamed while nodding his head yes. I feel bad for the boy in front of me but he doesn't seem to want to talk and I can't let him go home not knowing if he is stable. "Ok, why do you do this to yourself," I ask calmly yet strictly so that he knows I want him to answer the question I asked. Shinso just looks at me for a moment before getting up and speedwalking out of the door. "I can't just let him go," I think to myself so I get out of my seat and chase him down the hallway. 

Shinso Pov- 

"Why can't he just leave this alone?" I quietly ask myself while running out of his classroom. I start thinking about how I am so useless that I can't even go one day without making someone worry about me or without making someone feel responsible for all of my mistakes. I will never be allowed to get into the hero program now that they know how weak I really am. He is following behind me but luckily I'm fast and he seems to be super sleepy. I run until I get to the dorm rooms and then I lock myself inside mine. I get the small box out of my cabinets that have my blade inside then I take it out and drag it against my arm ruffly. I can see a white stripe on my arm before it fills up with deep red blood and runs down my cold arms. I do this a few more times while I reminded myself how stupid and useless I am and will always be. the moment I am about to make another slit inside my arm I hear banging on my door. "Open up now Shinso!" I hear Aiwzawa yell from outside my door. He seems pissed off, he must not like it when people make him run. "Go away I'm fine," I yell back through my dorm room door. "No open up your fucking door right now!" Aizawa yells through my door again. Honestly, he can be scary sometimes and I'm kinda scared to see how he will react if I don't open the door allowing him to come in and scold me for cutting up my arms. I quickly put away my razor and walk over to the door prepared to see an angry Aizawa. 

A/N- Just a reminder no art in this story is mine. 

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