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 I quickly put away my razor and walk over to the door prepared to see an angry Aizawa. 

Aiawzawa Pov- 

I see Shinso open up the door, he looks like he is a little scared so I try and hold back some of my anger. I guess I don't like when people make me run. I walk inside without him even inviting me in I am still pissed that he made me chase after him. "Now can you please answer my questions without running away?" I ask him still a little angry. He just looks down and nods. "Is all he can do is nod?" I think to myself. "ok, now again why do you do this to yourself?" I see him look at the floor then at me then towards the door. But I guess he realized that running away only makes the situation worse because he stays seated and opens his mouth slightly. I can see that he is nervous to answer the question so I gently wrap my arm around him to try and comfort him. I see Shinso look over and blush a little bit due to embarrassment. He starts to open his mouth again and this time words come out. "I-I not d-do anything right, I failed a-all of m-my s-shots to get into t-the hero pro-program. I'm just K-kinda wor-worthless and don't know w-why I should l-live." While I'm hearing him say this I know I need to help this kid he is trying hard to reach his goals but is still failing. When I hear him tell me that he has a villain's quirk and that is worthless for being a hero I conclude that I must train him and help him get into the heroes program. I want to help him become a hero but I also want to help him become more mentally stable because I hate seeing him like this and a hurt hero can't perform as well as an unhurt one.  

Shinso Pov-  

After I finish telling Aiwzawa all the reasons I cut I feel a small weight lift off my chest but I then remember that he could tell the school and have them expelled for being weak, so that small weight is much bigger now. Aizawa looks extremely worried after I tell him all of this and he ends up hugging me tightly and whispering into my ear that everything will be okay and that I'm not worthless. All of this was kinda nice to hear but I know he is just telling me this so that I will stop hurting myself so he doesn't have to deal with me. But still, I accept the hug knowing that it feels good to have someone there for you even if they ate doing it because it is their job. We sit in a hug for about ten more minutes before he gets up and walks into my bathroom. "I wonder what he is doing in my bathroom." I wonder to myself before I remember the reason all of this is happening. He must be looking for my blades and sharp objects. A few minutes later he walks out of my bathroom and looks over at me who has been sitting in the same place since he left the room. He held up his hand with hair scissors, razor blades, and some other sharp objects that he found in my bathroom. "I am taking these if you need any of these objects let me know and I will supervise you while you use them." He said to me strickly yet still loving. Al I could get out was a small nod before he left the room saying he would be back in a few minutes. 

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